New Method in the Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders

New Method in the Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders;
“Pulse Field Ablation” was Performed for the First Time in Turkey at Hacettepe University

The electroporation method, known as "Pulse Field Ablation", which is one of the newest methods in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders, was performed for the first time in Turkey by the team consisting of Prof. Dr. Kudret Aytemir, Prof. Dr. Hikmet Yorgun and Doç. Dr. Cem Çöteli at Hacettepe University Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Electrophysiology Unit. This new ablation method is known to be both effective in the treatment of heart rhythm disorder known as "Atrial Fibrillation" and a more reliable method in terms of reducing life-threatening complications.
Atrial Fibrillation is defined as a rhythm disorder that manifests itself as pulse irregularity but can lead to serious health problems such as heart failure and stroke. In the treatment of this rhythm disorder, which is seen in approximately 2% of the population, radiofrequency or cryoballoon ablation method is mostly used. Experts stated that atrial fibrillation ablation is performed on approximately 5000 patients every year in Turkey and stated that new approaches that both reduce the procedure time and emphasize safety will have a more important place in the future.
It is known that this new ablation method, known as “Pulse Field Ablation”, has similar effectiveness to currently existing devices and can reduce serious complications that may occur in patients due to the procedure. It is stated that the introduction of this method, which has recently started to be used in the United States and European countries, in our country is important in terms of offering a new option to atrial fibrillation patients.
