“So-called Armenian Genocide: Claims and Facts” conference in cooperation with Hacettepe and UNEC

The international conference titled “The So-Called Armenian Genocide: Allegations and Facts” was held in Baku on April 24-25, 2024 in cooperation with Hacettepe University and Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). The conference was hosted by Prof. Dr. Adalet Muradov, Rector of UNEC and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yüce, Dean of the UNEC Turkic World of Economics Faculty (TUDIFAK), and attended by Prof. Dr. Yonca İldeş, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences and Head of the Department of International Relations, and Dr. Özlem Pınar Oran, Hacettepe University Azerbaijan Coordinator and Lecturer at the Department of International Relations.

Deputies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Baku Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahit Bağcı, TRNC Representative in Baku Ambassador Ufuk Turganer, Communications Counsellor of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey in Baku Dr. A. Cihangir İşbilir, Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Baku Prof. Dr. Muhittin Macit, Trade Counsellors Yakup Sefer, Ahmet Erdal and Murat Yaman, Religious Counsellor İhsan Açık, TIKA Baku Coordinator Hayrettin Özçelik, Rector of Azerbaijan National Defense University Prof. Colonel Nurullah Aliyev, Vice Rector of the National Defense University of the Republic of Turkey Prof. Dr. Talat Canpolat, who was appointed as Vice Rector of the National Defense University of Azerbaijan, representatives of the Azerbaijan-Turkey Business Association (ATIB), representatives of the Azerbaijan-Turkey Youth Friendship Society, representatives of public institutions, representatives of non-governmental organizations, academics and students attended the conference.

Opening speeches were made by Prof. Dr. Adalet Muradov, Rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahit Bağcı, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Baku, Prof. Dr. Anar İskenderov and Nagif Hamzayev, Deputies of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In the opening session titled "Armenians in Turkey and Azerbaijan from a Historical Perspective" chaired by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yüce, TOBB ETU Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay, Deputy of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Director of the Caucasus Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences (AMEA) Prof. Dr. Musa Kasımlı and AMEA Member Prof. Dr. Solmaz Rüstemova Togidi made their presentations. The conference was organized in four sessions, one of which included student presentations.

The international conference, organized with the support of the Azerbaijan-Turkey Business Association (ATIB), attracted great interest from representatives of various public institutions of Azerbaijan and university students. The conference was broadcast live in the press of Turkey and Azerbaijan.