Hacettepe Stamp for Dr. Aysun-Ahmet Küçükel Medicine Awards

The researchers and their projects that were unanimously entitled to the Young Investigator Project Support Award within the scope of the Dr. Aysun-Ahmet Küçükel Medicine Awards, which have been given to young researchers in the field of medicine since 2008 by the GÜVEN Health Group, are as follows:

Dr. Erdal Sağ - Developing an ex-vivoarthritis model for juvenilidiopathic arthritis and examining the effects of depleted T cells on the pathogenesis of the disease

Dr. Fulya Yaylacıoğlu Tuncay-Examination of corneal pathology by creating a Chst 6 mutant zebrafish model via CRISPR/Cas 9

Özlem Altundağ-Methionine metabolism in human fetal, adult and cancer stem cells

Only those who have received the approval of the research project ethics committee can apply for the Young Researcher Project Support Award. Doctors who work in compliance with the legislation in Turkey have the right to apply for the award, which is under the age of 41 as of the application deadline.
