Societal Contribution
Hacettepe at State Incentives Promotion Days
admin / 11.03.2025
Hacettepe University opened a stand at the State Incentives Promotion Days organized by the Director...
Hacettepe Retains Its Top Position in Türkiye
admin / 11.03.2025
URAP 2024-2025 World University Rankings Announced: Hacettepe Retains Its Top Position in Türkiye
Hacettepe IDEAL; turning ideas into business, and business into value
AYDIN ULUCAN / 04.03.2025
Hacettepe IDEAL Entrepreneurship Working Group, founded with the idea of 'Turning Ideas into bu...
STL 2024-2025 Spring Activities
AYDIN ULUCAN / 28.02.2025
Our University's Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) organized 79 events in the 2024...
Rare patients met with the doctors of the future at the "Students Meet Rare Symposium"
Hacettepe University Center for Genomics and Rare Diseases (HUGEN) organized the 'Students Meet...
1001 Support from TÜBİTAK for 4 projects suggested by our university
ALİ ÖZARSLAN / 27.02.2025
Within the scope of the 1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program carried ...
A Fairy Tale and Storytelling Festival was held at the Hayat Good Living Center
In collaboration with Hacettepe University and the Atatürk Cultural Center Presidency, a 'Fairy...
The “Loyalty to Kindness Ceremony” held for the first time at Hacettepe University attracted great attention
admin / 25.02.2025
The “Loyalty to Kindness Ceremony” organized by Hacettepe University was held on February 24th at th...
2023-2027 Strategic Plan Unit Action Plan presentations were held
admin / 19.02.2025
Hacettepe University 2023-2027 Strategic Plan Unit Action Plan presentations were held.
The Rector met with the project implementers supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK-ARDEB 1001
admin / 17.02.2025
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran met with the project implementing academic staff who were de...
The Faculty Members of our University’s
admin / 17.02.2025
The “NeuroDeGene” project, which will start on February 17th and includes faculty members from our u...
Investigating the Genetic Basis of a Rare Disease Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology
The study conducted by Gözde İmren, lecturer at the Department of Medical Genetics with CRISPR-Cas9 ...
He visited our Rector from Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University
admin / 10.02.2025
Rector of Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Bugrov visited our Rector in...
Eda Eren has been elected as a member of the YÖKAK Student Commission
admin / 05.02.2025
Eda Eren, a student of the Nursing Fundamentals and Management Integrated PhD program at our univers...
Prof. Dr. Şefika Şule Erçetin’s Erasmus+ Project was presented at the 2024 DEOR Meeting.
Our Erasmus+ project, "Sustainable Life, Sustainable Vocational Education," led by the Dea...
Prof. Dr. Deniz Köksal was elected as the President of the Turkish Chest Diseases Proficiency Board
UĞUR KAYA / 04.02.2025
Our university's Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, faculty member Prof. Dr. De...
THE World University Rankings by Subject 2025 Results Announced
admin / 24.01.2025
The results of THE World University Rankings by Subject 2025 by Times Higher Education (THE) have be...
Our University’s Productive Artificial Intelligence Usage Policy has been published
admin / 17.01.2025
The Productive Artificial Intelligence Use Policy in Education and Teaching Processes booklet provid...
Research Support from the University of Cologne to Res. Assist. Dr. Gözde Özenç İra
GÖZDE ÖZENÇ İRA / 16.01.2025
Arş. Gör. Dr. Gözde Özenç İra, in the Department of Primary Education, Division of Classroom Teachin...
BIOSFER became an academic center
Hacettepe University Biodiversity Advanced Research Center and Museum (BIYOSFER) not only raises awa...
Tübitak-China Bilateral Cooperation Support to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Yüksel Orhan
ALİ ÖZARSLAN / 10.01.2025
The project of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Yüksel Orhan, Faculty Member of the Department of Chemical Engi...
Dr. Aslı Ünal was given the 22nd Serhat Özyar Young Scientist of the Year Award
ASLI ÜNAL / 07.01.2025
Our university's Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Dr. Aslı Ünal has been awarded th...
Awareness campaign by Nursing Department students attracted the attention of thousands of people
The post by our university's Nursing Department students, themed 'Innovative Patient Educa...
Our university is ranked 299th globally in the UI GreenMetric 2024 rankings
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 02.01.2025
The UI GreenMetric 2024 rankings, which evaluate universities in various areas of sustainability and...
2024 Nagoya City University NCU Contact Points Symposium
TUĞBA SARITAŞ / 31.12.2024
The faculty members of our university, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Müge ...
Earthquake Awareness from Students of Hacettepe University Social Work Department
İSMAİL ORBAY / 30.12.2024
Students of the Social Work Department of Hacettepe University made a difference with their social s...
Bağımlılığı Önleme ve Bağımlılıkla Mücadele dersi kapanış etkinlikleri yoğun ilgi gördü
admin / 30.12.2024
In the 2024-2025 academic year, various activities on the topic of "fighting addiction" we...
Our student received a first-place award from the International Andres Segovia Classical Guitar Competition
ELİF AKAR KOSMAN / 30.12.2024
Our Guitar Department student Özberk Miraç Sarıgül won the first prize among 16 participants from 9...
Outstanding Service Award to our University Faculty Member
Our university's Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Health Managem...
Prof. Dr. Güzin Gülsev Uyar Aksoy, a faculty member at Hacettepe University's Mining Engineerin...
2024 TÜBA Awards Announced
admin / 18.12.2024
Prof. Dr. İbrahim Celalettin Haznedaroğlu and Assistant Professor Nagihan Doğan from our university ...
exRNA-PATH COST Action Project Support to Prof. Dr. I. Cagatay Karaaslan
TUBITAK 2519 - COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) project application of Prof. Dr...
2024 Sedat Simavi Award in Natural Sciences goes to Prof. Dr. Sinem Onaran
SİNEM ONARAN / 13.12.2024
At the 48th Sedat Simavi Award Ceremony organized by the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC), the ...
Prof. Dr. Banu Sancak's project won Erasmus Program grant support
BANU SANCAK / 11.12.2024
It was prepared by the Disasters and Epidemics Working Group operating within the Turkish Microbiolo...
QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025 Results Announced
admin / 11.12.2024
Academic ranking agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) announced its Sustainability Rankings for 2025. As...
Visit from our Rector to KKTC President Ersin Tatar
admin / 09.12.2024
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Uğur Sadi...
Academic Cooperation Agreement between Hacettepe and Eastern Mediterranean University
admin / 09.12.2024
An Academic Cooperation Agreement was signed between Hacettepe University and Eastern Mediterranean ...
Culture and Civilization Symposium from Past to Present was held in Memory of Ziya Gökalp
admin / 07.12.2024
The Symposium on Culture and Civilization from Past to Present in Memory of Ziya Gökalp on the 100th...
Our students asked, our rector answered
admin / 04.12.2024
Hacettepe Finance Community organized an event titled “Face to Face with the Rector” that brought to...
Meeting of Those Who Leave a Mark on the Future
ONUR ALTUNTAŞ / 04.12.2024
At the “Gathering of Those Leaving a Mark on the Future” organized in collaboration with Hacettepe U...
Bilateral Agreement Introduction Meeting Between Hacettepe University and Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Di Bologna
The introductory meeting for the bilateral agreement signed between Hacettepe University and Italy...
“KAYAALP’s Medical Pharmacology and Rational Drug Treatment”, Updated 14th Edition (2024)
The 14th Edition (2024) of the memorable pharmacology book "KAYAALP’S Medical Pharmacology and ...
Significant Contribution to Primary Immunodeficiency Research from Hacettepe University Can Sucak Laboratory
BARAN ERMAN / 21.11.2024
The multi-center research, led by Associate Professor Dr. Baran Erman from the Children's Healt...
Prof. Dr. Aslı Özkırım was elected as the President of the Bee Health Scientific Board of the European Beekeeping Federation (EBA)
ASLI ÖZKIRIM / 21.11.2024
Hacettepe University Biology Department faculty member and Bee and Bee Products Application and Rese...
Our Graduate Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan Dağdeviren Receives TÜSEB Aziz Sancar Science Award
admin / 20.11.2024
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan Dağdeviren, a graduate of our university's Faculty of Engineering, Depar...
A study involving our scientists has revealed the history of the domesticated sheep
FÜSUN ÖZER / 14.11.2024
A study conducted by an international team of researchers, led by scientists from Hacettepe Universi...
Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
admin / 13.11.2024
The project of our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been awarded support within ...
Gold and Silver Medals to Our Students at the Bologna Ballet Competition
admin / 12.11.2024
At the Bologna Ballet Competition held in Italy, Doğa Deniz Usta, one of the students of Ankara Stat...
Award to our members from Higher Institution of Atatürk Culture, Language and History
admin / 11.11.2024
4 of our students were awarded in the "1st Young Translator Candidates Competition" organi...
Hacettepe University Zero Waste and Waste Management Newspaper
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 07.11.2024
Under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilara Tüfekçioğlu, Hacettepe University Zero Waste and Wast...
Dr. Gamze Varan has received BİDEB funding for her project
GAMZE VARAN / 05.11.2024
Asst. Prof. Gamze Varan's project proposal has been deemed worthy of support under the BİDEB 22...
Asst. Prof. Cem Varan has been awarded TÜBİTAK 2247-D National Early-Stage Researchers Programme
CEM VARAN / 05.11.2024
Asst. Prof. Cem Varan from Hacettepe University Department of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, has b...
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkut Erdem has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkut Erdem from the Department of Computer Engineering has been awarded a grant un...
The pride of Ankara: Hacettepe University's Biodiversity Museum (Biosphere Museum) Welcomes Over 50,000 Visitors a Year
Hacettepe University Biosphere Museum opened on May 22, 2023, and hosted more than 50,000 visitors i...
Prof. Dr. Benat Koçkar'ın projesine TÜBİTAK desteği
admin / 04.11.2024
Üniversitemiz Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Benat Koçkar'ın projesi TÜBİTAK 1505 Üniversite-Sanayi İş...
Hacettepe University and Project ECHO® Launch Sustainable Infrastructure Training for Earthquake Zone
Hacettepe University has been recognized as a Project ECHO® hub through agreements with the Universi...
Hacettepe University 2024-25 Academic Year Opening Ceremony was held
admin / 01.11.2024
Hacettepe University Academic Year Opening Ceremony was held with the participation of the Speaker o...
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
CEM VARAN / 01.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, has been awarded a grant u...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saygın Abdikan and his team won the best oral presentation award
SAYGIN ABDİKAN / 01.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Ali Çağlar's book was published by TP London
ALİ ÇAĞLAR / 01.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Ali Çağlar's book titled "Turkey And West Africa Relations" was published b...
The URAP 2024-2025 Turkey Rankings have been announced. Hacettepe University is ranked first among state universities
admin / 31.10.2024
The URAP 2024-2025 Turkey Rankings have been announced, summarizing the academic performance of our ...
38th International Public Finance Symposium was Held
The 38th International Public Finance Symposium was organized by the Department of Public Finance / ...
Prof. Dr. Mete Yıldız's new book entitled
METE YILDIZ / 21.10.2024
Hacettepe University Department of Political Science and Public Administration faculty member Prof. ...
IV. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium was Held
IV. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium was Held
Prof. Dr. Özlem Özgün has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE APS
ÖZLEM ÖZGÜN / 14.10.2024
Prof. Dr. Özlem Özgün, a faculty member of Hacettepe University Department of Electrical and Electro...
Hacettepe Teknokent Hayat Sokakı was opened
admin / 11.10.2024
The opening of "Hacettepe Teknokent Hayat Sokak", a modern social life center, was held wi...
Our Faculty Member Receives the UNESCO-L’Oréal Young Women in Science Award
As part of the 22nd the L’Oréal -UNESCO Turkey "For Women in Science" program, Dr. Gülşah ...
Hacettepe ranks first with R&D projects
admin / 11.10.2024
The top 20 universities with the highest number of R&D projects carried out jointly with industr...
Special Jury Award to one of our students at the 2024 TRT Communicators of the Future Competition
Our student Dilay Ece Manat won the Jury's Special Award in the Communication Campaign category...
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) Fall Semester Events Are Starting
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) successfully completed the 2023-2024 Spring semes...
Cooperation Protocol between Hacettepe University and Yapı Kredi Bank
admin / 08.10.2024
A cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and Yapı Kredi Bank on payment and ac...
Our TEKNOFEST 2024 projects were awarded
admin / 05.10.2024
The projects of our university, which participated as a stakeholder in the TEKNOFEST 2024 Aviation, ...
Two Hacettepe University Graduates in 2024 TÜBA TEKNOFEST Doctoral Science Awards
admin / 05.10.2024
Within the scope of 2024 TÜBA TEKNOFEST Doctoral Science Awards, Faculty of Pharmacy Assistant Profe...
TUBITAK 1001 Support for five projects from our university
admin / 04.10.2024
The evaluation process of the projects submitted to the “1001-UDAP National Earthquake Research Prog...
The Biosphere Traveler's Nature and Museum Diary project was successfully completed
The "Biosphere Traveler's Nature and Museum Diary" project, which aims to raise aware...
We are together with Hacettepe University Societal Contribution Coordinatorship and Student Communities at STEM&Makers Fest/Expo
STEM&Makers Fest/Expo was held on September 27-28, 2024 with the participation of Hacettepe Univ...
Associate Professor Dr. Göksel Güven was awarded PhD Degree from Erasmus University
GÖKSEL GÜVEN / 01.10.2024
Associate Professor Dr. Göksel Güven, a faculty member of the Department of Internal Medicine's...
TUBITAK 2237 A- Grant Program for Scientific Training
The project titled “Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems for Speech and Language Thera...
First place award in the field of Innovation in Care to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatoş Korkmaz and Ecem Özdemir
ECEM OZDEMIR / 01.10.2024
Nursing Fundamentals Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatoş Korkmaz and doctoral student E...
Hacettepe University continues its rise in international rankings
admin / 30.09.2024
Hacettepe University continued its rise in the rankings based on academic productivity and scientifi...
Assoc. Prof. Nazlı Erdoğdu received a Turkish Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmacy Incentive Award
NAZLI ERDOĞDU / 30.09.2024
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazlı Erdoğdu, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology was awa...
Stanford University Announces World's Most Influential Scientists for 2023
admin / 30.09.2024
Stanford University's research, which ranks the most influential scientists in the world, takes...
Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was elected President of the European Pediatric Rheumatology Association.
admin / 25.09.2024
Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was elected President of the European Pediatr...
The button has been pressed for the Multidisciplinary Research Center Building
admin / 23.09.2024
The button has been pressed for the Hacettepe University Multidisciplinary Research Center Building,...
First lesson excitement with approximately 7 thousand students at Hacettepe
admin / 23.09.2024
6,985 students who attended ÜNİ101, the highest-participation course in Turkey, took their first ste...
Thank you message from our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran
admin / 12.09.2024
Thank you message from Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran, who was appointed as Rector for the second time...
1001 Support from TUBITAK for 5 Projects
admin / 12.09.2024
In the 1st semester of 2024, the scientific evaluation process of the projects submitted within the ...
Innovative Project for a Sustainable Future: Great Success from Our Students
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 12.09.2024
Our students won first place in the 'Innovative Idea and Detail' category with their micro...
The Student Information System mobile application has been launched
admin / 10.09.2024
The “Proliz Mobile” application, which allows our university students and academics to use the infor...
Hacettepe at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
admin / 23.08.2024
Our university's Faculty of Health Sciences faculty member Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Öksüz will serve as...
URAP 2023-2024 World Field Rankings Announced
admin / 20.08.2024
According to the URAP 2023-2024 World Field Rankings, our university ranked first in 7 fields in Tur...
The Great Sucess of Eren Düzenli-the piano student of our Conservatory
CENK GÜRAY / 14.08.2024
The student of the Piano Department of Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Eren Düzenli p...
TÜBİTAK support for Dr. Lecturer Ozan Arı's project
admin / 13.08.2024
The evaluation period of the project "New approaches in optical quantum random number generatio...
Important observation from Turkish scientists
ERKAN AYDAR / 07.08.2024
Aircraft encounters with volcanic ash have caused significant damage over the past 40 years, resulti...
Tübitak 3501 Grant Support for Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duygu Hatıpoğlu Aydın
The project titled “Mediation in Individual Labor Disputes: Analysis of Legal Practice and of the Ex...
Prof. Hande Dalkılıç's concert in Portugal attracted great attention
CENK GÜRAY / 05.08.2024
Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory faculty member Prof. Hande Dalkılıç gave an enthusias...
Honorary Professorship to Our Rector from Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
admin / 26.07.2024
At the meeting hosted by our university, Rector of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Prof. Dr. Khod...
Collaboration between Hacettepe University and Duke University
admin / 26.07.2024
A cooperation protocol was signed between Duke University and Hacettepe University.
Cooperation protocol for the Higher Education Management Certificate Program
A cooperation protocol was signed for the implementation of the "Management of Higher Education...
Evaluation of our university's standing in ranking organizations
admin / 18.07.2024
The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), released the 2023 World Ranking Press Release...
TÜBİTAK'tan 8 projeye 1001 desteği
admin / 16.07.2024
TÜBİTAK "1001-Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı” kapsamında üniv...
The Department of Theatre returned home with an award
METİN MUNZUR / 12.07.2024
Ankara State Conservatory Theatre Department Students Returned from Azerbaijan with an Award
Hacettepe University is Rising in The 2024 CWTS Leiden World Rankings
admin / 12.07.2024
The CWTS (Centre for Science and Technology Studies) Leiden Ranking System has announced the 2024 Wo...
The project investigating the effects of demolition waste on groundwater quality has been completed
Galip YUCE / 12.07.2024
The project titled “Investigation of The Effects of Demolition Wastes After February 2023 Earthquake...
QS World University Rankings 2025: Europe Announced
admin / 11.07.2024
Hacettepe University rose 17 places compared to 2024, ranking 198th
Accreditation of Nuclear Medicine Department
Department of Nuclear Medicine at Faculty of Medicine has been accredited for residency training pro...
Prestigious Award to our Research Assistant at the European Congress of Human Genetics
Dr. Dilsu Dicle Erkan, Research Assistant from the Department of Medical Genetics at our University’...
Prof. Dr. Levent Özçakar was elected 'Vice President' at the World FTR congress
admin / 25.06.2024
Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Prof. Dr. Levent Özçakar was deemed ...
A cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and the University of New Mexico
admin / 20.06.2024
With the cooperation protocols signed between Hacettepe and the University of New Mexico, our univer...
THE 2024 Impact Rankings Announced: Hacettepe University Ranks in the Top 30 Globally For Quality Education
admin / 14.06.2024
Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the 2024 University Impact Rankings, which evalute the so...
GAMEUP Erasmus+ Project: Entrepreneurial Skills of University Students
The Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology and the Department of Business Adm...
Hacettepe University Rises Among World Universities in QS World University Ranking 2025
admin / 04.06.2024
The prestigious academic evaluation organization based in the UK, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), has ann...
Traditional International Friendship Day in Hacettepe
admin / 03.06.2024
"International Friendship Day", which is traditionally held every year at our university a...
2024 Türkiye Population and Health Survey Project was launched
admin / 03.06.2024
A cooperation protocol, including our university, was signed regarding the 2024 Türkiye Population a...
Children discovered biodiversity in Hacettepe
UTKU PERKTAŞ / 03.06.2024
Hacettepe University Social Contribution Coordinatorship raised awareness about biodiversity and cli...
Our faculty member will examine the use of artificial intelligence in municipalities with a TÜBİTAK Project.
METE YILDIZ / 30.05.2024
Prof. Dr. Mete Yıldız, from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, will exam...
Hand in Hand for Rare Diseases meeting was held
Under the auspices of Hacettepe University, patient associations, civil society organizations, polic...
Hacettepe Moot Court Team Earns First Place at Hasat 3rd Moot Court Competition
DİLA OKYAR / 29.05.2024
In the final round of the Hasat 3rd Moot Court Competition on Friday, May 17th organized by the Law,...
TUBİTAK 4008 support for the project titled
SINEM KARS / 27.05.2024
The project titled "Developing Horticultural Therapy Awareness and Examining its Effect in Chil...
Biodiversity, Agriculture and Children Events in Ankara were held at H.U. Biosphere Museum on World Biodiversity Day.
GÜZİN EMECEN / 27.05.2024
The second training was held within the scope of the "Biodiversity, Agriculture and Children...
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra Concert Season Finale
METİN MUNZUR / 27.05.2024
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra had an wonderful concert season finale.
Hacettepe Athletic Sports Center was opened
admin / 25.05.2024
The opening of Hacettepe Athletic Sports Center, which is the most equipped and widely used area in ...
Ankara State Conservatory Theater Department, two Awards
METİN MUNZUR / 23.05.2024
At the festival held in Azerbaijan, the students of our university Ankara State Conservatory Theater...
Hacettepe University Became a Member of the Organization of Turkish States Turkish Universities Association
admin / 20.05.2024
Our university was accepted as a member of the union at the 7th General Assembly of the Organization...
TÜBİTAK 4004 support for the project titled
GÜZİN EMECEN / 17.05.2024
The project titled "Nature and Museum Diary of a Biosphere Traveller", led by Prof. Dr. Ya...
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu received a gold medal from the European Society of Cardiology
admin / 15.05.2024
Department of Cardiology Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu was awarded a special gold medal b...
“So-called Armenian Genocide: Claims and Facts” conference in cooperation with Hacettepe and UNEC
ÖZLEM PINAR ORAN / 13.05.2024
The international conference titled “The So-Called Armenian Genocide: Allegations and Facts” was hel...
The Studies on Korean Popular Culture (2024), edited by Mutlu Binark, Alptekin Keskin, Engin Sarı an...
The world-famous group Janoska Ensemble gave a concert in Hacettepe
METİN MUNZUR / 13.05.2024
The world-renowned "Janoska Ensemble" ensemble gave a concert at our university, Ankara St...
REDCap Institutive Patient Registration System Introduction Meeting was held
REDCap Institutive Patient Registration System Database Applied Introduction and Information Meeting...
ADEP meeting was hosted by our university
admin / 04.05.2024
Our university hosted the YÖK's Research Universities Support Program (ADEP) Evaluation Meeting.
Our University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran on Turkmeneli TV
admin / 04.05.2024
Our University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran participated in the program called "If There is ...
Turkish Endocrinology and Metabolism Association Most Successful Young Investigator Award
UĞUR KAYA / 03.05.2024
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Endocrinolo...
Hacettepe Kahve Bahane was put into service
admin / 03.05.2024
Hacettepe Kahve Bahane, which is a part of our University's corporate identity studies, where ...
New Method in the Treatment of Heart Rhythm Disorders
admin / 03.05.2024
“Pulse Field Ablation” was performed for the first time in Turkey at Hacettepe University
TEDxHacettepeUniversity was held
admin / 27.04.2024
TEDxHacettepeUniversity, which was held this year with the theme "CONTRAST", brought the contrasts...
Our Rector received the Full Accreditation Certificate
admin / 27.04.2024
The Full Accreditation Certificate, which our university was entitled to receive within the scope of...
Hacettepe University Public Announcement
admin / 25.04.2024
Public statement condemning the violence against university students who peacefully protested agains...
Prof. Dr. Arzu Topeli Iskit was the chairperson of the 16th World Intensive and Critical Care Congress, which took place in Istanbul
ARZU TOPELİ İSKİT / 24.04.2024
The 16th World Intensive and Critical Care Congress ("WICC2023" being one o...
5th Meeting of the EU COST WIRE (CA20127) Biorefinery Technologies was held in Istanbul on April 18-19, 2024
SELİM LATİF SANİN / 24.04.2024
Prof. Dr. Selim L. Sanin from the Department of Environmental Engineering at Hacettepe University h...
TÜBİTAK supported our Health Services Vocational School Student
SERRA ÖRSTEN / 24.04.2024
The research project titled "The Relationship Between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Carpa...
The 7th Pharmaceutical Development Days, took place at Hacettepe University
The 7th Pharmaceutical Development Days, organized by the Farmasötik Gelişim Topluluğu, took place a...
Young Scientists Award to 3 Hacettepe University Members
ZEHRA TASKIN / 22.04.2024
Our university faculty members Assoc. Dr. Göksel Güven, Assoc. Dr. Yeseren Saylan İnci and Assoc. Dr...
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 has been Announced
admin / 16.04.2024
The 2024 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject features 55 individual subjects acro...
The book, authored by Prof. Dr. Murat Diker from the Department of Mathematics, was published by Springer Nature.
MURAT DİKER / 16.04.2024
This book demonstrates that texture space theory is a mathematical model for researchers working in ...
Hacettepe University 2023 Administration Activity Report has been published.
admin / 15.04.2024
The 2023 Fiscal Year Administration Activity Report, which provides information about Hacettepe Univ...
Visit of the President of TÜBİTAK in the frame of 1004 Project
President of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) Prof. Dr. Hasan ...
A new biomaterials book has been published in IOP Science in partnership with Hacettepe University and University College London
The book titled "Biomaterials-Innovation for World Healthcare" authored by Assit. Prof. Dr. Merve ...
Hacettepe's Signature in the Earthquake Resistant Building Design Competition
BAKİ ÖZTÜRK / 25.03.2024
Our Civil Engineering Department students Ahmet Yasin Özgülcan, Atakan Cem Doğan, Burak Çiftci and H...
Green Campus Ranking 2023 (UI GreenMetric)
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 22.03.2024
Green Campus Ranking 2023 (UI GreenMetric) has been announced. Our university, which showed an incre...
Presided by Prof. Dr. ECIM 2024, organized by Serhat Ünal, was held in Istanbul
admin / 22.03.2024
The 22nd European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM 2024), one of the largest global events in the...
“How We Made a Difference!” Titled Event
ALEV KARADUMAN / 21.03.2024
Our event entitled “How We Made a Difference!” was held as a part of the Life Without Disabilities A...
The success of our students in the Young Translators Competition
The results of the Directorate for EU Affairs 2023 Young Translators Contest have been announced. Th...
The new president of TÜSEB is Prof. Dr. Hakan Eroğlu became
admin / 15.03.2024
Our University Faculty of Pharmacy Lecturer Prof. Dr. Hakan Eroğlu became the president of the Turki...
The book by Prof. Dr. Emre Toros addressing electoral problems in Turkey has been published
EMRE TOROS / 15.03.2024
The book, which discusses electoral problems in Turkey, was published by Edinburgh University Press ...
A New Research from Hacettepe University Guiding the Treatment of Retina Dystrophies
Our researchers have published the results of a new study highlighting the use of RNA-based therapeu...
Special Jury Award for "Hayat Good Life Center"
UTKU PERKTAŞ / 15.03.2024
Turkey's largest container campus, "Hayat Good Life Center", was deemed worthy of the Social Inve...
Prof. Dr. Ümit Murat Şahiner was deemed worthy of the
admin / 15.03.2024
Prof. Dr. Ümit Murat Şahiner, faculty member of the Department of Child Health and Diseases of our U...
"100 Japanese Designs from Past to Present" exhibition is in Hacettepe
admin / 13.03.2024
"100 Japanese Designs from Past to Present Exhibition" organized by the Embassy of Japan and the J...
Having completed the fall semester, STL said hello to the spring semester
admin / 07.03.2024
The Center for Sustainable Teaching and Learning (STL) met with 260 faculty members and 2,700 studen...
Prof. Dr. Ahmet İlhan Şen's project received TÜBİTAK support
AHMET İLHAN ŞEN / 06.03.2024
The project given by Prof. Dr. Ahmet İlhan Şen, faculty member of the Department of Physics Educatio...
Ballet Department student Nillay Tahiroğlu received an award in Moscow
METİN MUNZUR / 06.03.2024
Our Ballet Department student Nil TAHİROĞLU was deemed worthy of the second prize in the internation...
Fatos Korkmaz and Seyma Adibelli Honored for Outstanding Contributions in Pressure Injury Research
Fatos Korkmaz and Seyma Adibelli Honored for Outstanding Contributions in Pressure Injury Research
HSO gave the first concert of the spring semester
admin / 04.03.2024
Violin player Elvin Hoxha Ganiyev participated as a soloist in the first concert of the spring semes...
Rare Diseases Day in Hacettepe
admin / 04.03.2024
A meeting was held within the scope of Rare Diseases Day in cooperation with Hacettepe University Ge...
Associate Professor Bilge Kalanlar has been awarded a scholarship from the Japan Science Promotion Foundation
BİLGE KALANLAR / 26.02.2024
Associate Professor Bilge Kalanlar, Faculty of Nursing, Head of the Department of Public Health Nurs...
TÜSEB Support for Prof. Dr. Hande Taylan Şekeroğlu
The project led by Hacetttepe University Department of Ophthalmology Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Hande ...
Furkan Kaya, Pharmacy Faculty Student, Awarded Second Prize in Ahmet Keleşoğlu Special Awards
Furkan Kaya, Pharmacy Faculty Student, Awarded Second Prize in Ahmet Keleşoğlu Special Awards
The groundbreaking device in the field of radiosurgery is in Hacettepe for the first time in Turkey
admin / 22.02.2024
Hacettepe took another groundbreaking step in the field of radiosurgery. Turkey's first robotic gyr...
Presidential duty from WCCI to Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Mirici
admin / 22.02.2024
Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Mirici, was elected as the ...
A new gene was identified in cooperation with Hacettepe and Munich Technical University
FATİH ÖZALTIN / 20.02.2024
In collaboration with Hacettepe University and Munich Technical University, a new gene whose mutatio...
Gold medal from the European Society of Radiology to Prof. Dr. Deniz Akata
admin / 14.02.2024
Department of Radiology Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Deniz Akata was awarded the ESR Gold Medal by the E...
Hacettepe University did not forget February 6th.
admin / 06.02.2024
On the first anniversary of the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş, a commemoration ceremony was ...
Call from our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran to participate in TEKNOFEST 2024
admin / 02.02.2024
Call for participation in the world's largest Aviation, Space and Technology Festival TEKNOFEST 202...
Res. Assist. Tolga Kaan Kıyak received a scholarship from the Turkish Historical Society
TOLGA KAAN KIYAK / 31.01.2024
Res. Assist. Tolga Kaan Kıyak has been awarded a Doctoral Research Scholarship by the Turkish Histor...
She became the first Turkish scientist to receive the title of Academy Member of the British Society of Pharmacology
British Pharmacological Society Fellows are members who have made, and may continue to make, substan...
Is Decor Just Decoration? exhibition
TUBA DEMİR / 26.01.2024
The student exhibition titled "Is Decor Only Decoration?" was opened at Beytepe Art Gallery on Jan...
The Traces of the Volcanic Eruption of Thera/Santorini Island in the 2nd Millennium BCE in Çine-Tepecik Excavations
SEVİNÇ GÜNEL / 23.01.2024
Çine-Tepecik excavations, carried out under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sevinç Günel, yielded results...
GIRACT European PhD in Flavor Research Programme First Year PhD Bursary to Naz Erdem
NAZ ERDEM / 23.01.2024
Department of Food Engineering Res. See. Naz Erdem was awarded the First Year PhD Scholarship from t...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin was appointed as the Coordinator of the Arslantepe excavations
HALİL TEKİN / 15.01.2024
Within the scope of the "Inheritance of the Future" project, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism h...
RSC Food Group 2023 Early Career Medal to Dr. Neslihan Taş
NESLİHAN TAŞ / 15.01.2024
Dr. Neslihan Taş from FoQuS Research Group of the Department of Food Engineering was awarded the 202...
TSBD Young Social Scientists Awards to Our Students
Dr. Görkem Kelebek Küçükarslan and Dr. Nurgül Certel won awards at the TSBD Young Social Scientists ...
TÜBİTAK 1001 support for 9 projects from our university
admin / 05.01.2024
9 projects from our university were supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001- Scientific and Techn...
TÜBA-GEBIP Award to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Deniz Batu Akal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi Deniz Batu Akal, our faculty member in Pediatric Rheumatology Unit, received 2...
Sıhhiye cafeterias were renewed
admin / 30.12.2023
Following the completion of the renovation and renovation works that have been ongoing for a while i...
Hacettepe University Climate Envoy Elif Ayhan participated in COP28 together with the Turkish Delegation
ELIF AYHAN / 27.12.2023
Hacettepe University Environmental Engineering student and Climate Envoy Elif Ayhan participated in ...
2 new devices for better quality and state-of-the-art radiotherapy service
admin / 26.12.2023
Two new devices were opened to perfect the radiotherapy service offered at our University Oncology H...
Hacettepe University is once again in the First Place in Turkey
admin / 20.12.2023
URAP 2023-2024 World University Rankings Announced. Hacettepe University is once again in the First ...
Opening of Beytepe Campus C Nizamiye
admin / 19.12.2023
C Nizamiye, located on the west side of our University's Beytepe Campus, was opened.
TÜBİTAK - 2502 Bilateral Project Support for Assoc. Dr. Saygın ABDİKAN
SAYGIN ABDİKAN / 19.12.2023
The TÜBİTAK project of Associate Prof. Dr. Saygın ABDİKAN, Department of Geomatics Engineering, titl...
Our Faculty Member Prof. Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı was elected as European Confederation of Medical Mycology Executive Committee member
Prof. Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı (Chair, Department of Medical Microbiology, Hacettepe University Faculty...
admin / 18.12.2023
Our University Symphony Orchestra premiered the "Ankara" symphony composed by German composer Erns...
European Pediatric Endocrine Society Research Scholarship to our faculty member
European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) Research Fellowship Award was given to our univ...
Ankara State Conservatory Performed an Opera Buffa at the Italian Embassy Residence
With the cooperation of Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Department of Opera and Ankar...
QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024 results
admin / 15.12.2023
“QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2024” results have been announced.
Tübitak 3501 grant support for Assist. Prof. Seçil Demirkol Canlı
Cancer Institute Clinical Oncology Department Dr. Faculty Member Seçil Demirkol Yaşam's project was...
Hayat Good Life Center is in operation
admin / 15.12.2023
The "Hayat Good Life Center" project, which was carried out in cooperation with our university and...
Foundations of Health Gratitude Ceremony
admin / 14.12.2023
The Foundations of Health Gratitude Ceremony, organized in cooperation with Hacettepe University and...
Design FILS Project received the 'European Innovative Education Award' in the year 2023
AYŞEN ÖZKAN / 14.12.2023
Under the European Union Erasmus+ Program, the Design FILS project, coordinated by the Republic of T...
Family and Consumer Sciences Book Published
The book titled "Family and Consumer Sciences" has been authored by faculty members from Hacettepe...
TÜBİTAK supported our Psychology Department students.
HÜSEYİN NERGİZ / 05.12.2023
The project submitted by our Psychology Department students is part of TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Stu...
TÜBİTAK 3501 Support to Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Yolcu
AYŞE YOLCU / 04.12.2023
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Mathematics and Science Education Department faculty mem...
Stanford University Announces World's Most Influential Scientists for 2022
admin / 29.11.2023
Stanford University's research, which ranks the most influential scientists in the world, takes int...
Republic of Turkey in 100th Anniversary Symposium
ALEV KARADUMAN / 23.11.2023
Under the coordination of the Rectorate of our University with the collaborative work of Faculty of ...
Our University Quality Research Society continues to spread the quality culture and improve the quality of our university
admin / 23.11.2023
In addition to hosting a webinar on "Quality Assurance in Europe with the European Students' Union...
Success of Faculty of Law Graduates in the Judgeship Examination
Hacettepe University Faculty of Law continued its uninterrupted success in the judgeship exams for t...
They came first in the 45th National Congress Assistant Paper Competition
GÜVEN OZAN KAPLAN / 21.11.2023
Faculty of Medicine Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery faculty members won f...
International Success of Mrs. Sumbas
One good news regarding the international success of Hacettepe University comes from Ass. Prof. Ahu ...
Zero Waste Certificate for Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus
On August 22, 2023, Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus was awarded the 'Basic Level Zero Waste Cer...
III. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium
ÖMER FARUK ŞENGÖR / 23.10.2023
Under the leadership of the Hacettepe School of Law, with the contributions of the Presidency of the...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Saral was decorated with the Hungarian Golden Cross of Merit
EMRE SARAL / 23.10.2023
Ataturk Institute faculty member Assoc. Prof. Emre Saral was decorated the Order of the Golden Cross...
Hacettepe IDEAL will reveal the entrepreneurial potential of students
admin / 23.10.2023
Hacettepe IDEAL, which was established with the idea of "We Transform Ideas into Business and Busin...
YÖK and all universities issued a joint statement for Palestine.
admin / 19.10.2023
The Council of Higher Education and all universities published a joint statement for 'Palestine'.
Hacettepe University Public Announcement
admin / 15.10.2023
Public announcement of our university regarding the attacks against Palestine
Prof Murat Fani BOZKURT was awarded with a plate by the Minister of Health of Jordan
Prof. M. Fani BOZKURT, head of Nuclear Medicine Department was handed a plate by the Minister of Hea...
STL events start with 75 sessions
admin / 12.10.2023
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center is looking forward to meeting with Faculty Members and ...
THE 2024 Brief Analysis Report
admin / 10.10.2023
Hacettepe University was ranked in the 601-800 range in THE World University Rankings in 2024, as it...
TUBİTAK and UNESCO support for earthquake-related projects
Galip YUCE / 09.10.2023
Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering Lecturer Prof. Dr. 2 of Galip Yüce's projects received ...
Awards to 2 of our faculty members at the Eczacıbaşı Medical Awards
admin / 08.10.2023
Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was awarded the "Medical Science Award" and Retired Faculty Member İmran Özalp...
Miraculous surgery for throat cancer patient
admin / 05.10.2023
For the first time in Turkey, an esophagus and voice tube were made from the intestines of a patient...
2023-2024 Academic Year Opening in Hacettepe
admin / 03.10.2023
Hacettepe Awards and Professorship Certificates were also presented at the 2023-2024 Academic Year O...
Hacettepe University's collaboration with the University of Tennessee
admin / 28.09.2023
A cooperation agreement was signed between Hacettepe University and the University of Tennessee (Kno...
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, at Hacettepe University
admin / 27.09.2023
Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh, received information about the work of Turkey's first 'recyclabl...
First lesson excitement with more than 7 thousand students in Hacettepe.
admin / 26.09.2023
7 thousand 390 students who attended UNI 101, the course with the highest participation in Turkey, t...
YÖK gave the Orange Flag award to Hacettepe
admin / 22.09.2023
Hacettepe University Rectorate, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Beytepe Library and Cultural Ce...
Faculty of Fine Arts reinterpreted King Midas
FATİH KURTCU / 22.09.2023
King Midas, reinterpreted with the Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts International King Mida...
Hacettepe Career Fair'23 was held with the theme of
ALİ ZİYA ALKAR / 20.09.2023
Hacettepe Career Fair was successfully held on 4-5 May 2023 at Tunçalp Özgen Congress and Culture Ce...
Max Planck Institute Academic Research Scholarship to Our Faculty Member
SİNEM ONARAN / 29.08.2023
Our Faculty of Science member Prof. Dr. Sinem Onaran from the Department of Mathematics was selected...
The most successful students prefer Hacettepe University.
admin / 20.08.2023
As a result of the 2023 Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS), in which 3 million 527 thousand 44...
International Visiting Researcher Grant for Assoc. Prof. Songül Çınaroğlu
Assoc. Prof. Songül Çınaroğlu from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department ...
Dr. Rabia Sucu was elected President of the International Health Technologies Evaluation Association
admin / 12.08.2023
Serving as vice president for two years in the 2021-2023 period, Dr. Sucu will continue to serve as ...
A New Gene Causes Congenital Anomaly of the Urinary System Identified
FATİH ÖZALTIN / 11.08.2023
In cooperation with Hacettepe University and Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, the gene named TBC1D31 ...
Our Rector addressed the candidate students
admin / 09.08.2023
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran gave information about our university in the program called ...
TUBITAK 1001 support for 20 projects from our university
admin / 30.07.2023
20 projects from our university were supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001- Scientific and Tech...
7 thousand 220 students graduated from Hacettepe
admin / 26.07.2023
In the 2022-2023 academic year graduation ceremonies, where thousands of students threw their caps w...
Saltuk Songür entered the top 8 worldwide.
Medical Scientist Training Program student, H. Saltuk Songür’s success at the World Pharmacology Con...
Best presentation prize to our graduate student from National Neuroscience Congress
TUĞBA SARITAŞ / 20.07.2023
Our universities MD-PhD program student Kadir Oğuzhan Soylu was entitled to receive the best oral ab...
Hacettepe University is 56 Years Old
admin / 08.07.2023
Our university celebrates its 56th anniversary on July 8, 2023.
2024 QS World University Rankings Results Announced
admin / 04.07.2023
Hacettepe University was ranked 8th in the QS 2024 World Universities Ranking, in which 2,963 univer...
Land Ethic Education Project
UFUK ÖZDAĞ / 03.07.2023
Hacettepe University’s Land Ethic Research and Application Center organized the second Land Ethic Ed...
Hacettepe ranks first in Turkey at CWTS Leiden 2023
admin / 27.06.2023
In the CWTS Leiden 2023 ranking, Hacettepe University ranked first among universities in Turkey, as ...
Zero Waste Certificate for Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus
We received our Zero Waste Certificate
BenBedPhar COST Action Project Support to Prof. Dr. I. Cagatay Karaaslan
TUBITAK 2519 - COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) project application of Prof. Dr...
Faculty of Fine Arts Graduation Exhibition Opened
FATİH KURTCU / 16.06.2023
The Graduation Exhibition, organized as part of the 40th anniversary events of the Faculty of Fine A...
THE Impact Rankings 2023 Announced
admin / 16.06.2023
According to THE 2023 Impact Ranking, our University was ranked between 201-300 among 1591 universit...
TÜBİTAK 3501 support to Dr. İdil Yet
İDİL YET / 15.06.2023
TÜBİTAK 3501 support to Dr. İdil Yet
Prof. Dr. Tutku Soyer became a Board Member of UEMS Pediatric Surgery
TUTKU SOYER / 13.06.2023
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Prof Tutku Soyer has been elected as a Member ...
Arda İşkol Wins First Prize in the Dr. Nejat Eczacıbaşı National Composition Competition
Ankara State Conservatory Composition student Arda İşkol won the first prize in the Dr. Nejat Eczacı...
Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan became Minister of Labor and Social Security
admin / 07.06.2023
Our university, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Social Work, lecture...
Res. Assist. Tolga Kaan Kıyak made a presentation at the international event
TOLGA KAAN KIYAK / 05.06.2023
Cine-Tepecik excavations at the "13th International Congress on the Archeology of the Ancient Near ...
Barrier-Free University Award to Our University
admin / 05.06.2023
At the "2023 Accessible Universities Award Ceremony" organized by the Council of Higher Education,...
Professor Turgay Dalkara elected for Academia Europa membership
Professor of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry Institute. Dr. Turgay Dalkara has been selected as...
Horizon Europe: MSCA Personnel Exchange Support to Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy
CEM VARAN / 01.06.2023
Pharmaceutical Technology Lecturer Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy's project was entitled to be supported b...
Prof. Dr. Dilek Aslan has been appointed as a member of WHO's technical advisory board
admin / 31.05.2023
Prof. Dr. Dilek Aslan, Faculty Member of the Public Health Department, was appointed as a member of ...
Informing about the activities of our university regarding earthquakes
admin / 29.05.2023
An informative presentation was made to the Hacettepe University Advisory Board about the activities...
Turkey's most comprehensive Biodiversity Museum opened in Hacettepe
admin / 23.05.2023
The opening ceremony of Hacettepe University Biodiversity Museum (BIOSPHERE), where the adventures o...
Hacettepe University 2022 Annual Report
stratejik yonetim / 23.05.2023
Hacettepe University 2022 Annual Report has been published
Award to Hacettepe Nuclear Medicine
Prof. Suphi Artunkal Award, better known as the most prestigious scientific award in the field of Nu...
Our student came first in the National Patient Information Competition
Furkan Kaya, a 4th year student at the Faculty of Pharmacy of our university, came first in the Nati...
Full accreditation to our university by YÖKAK for 5 years
admin / 18.05.2023
Within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program implemented by the Higher Education Qual...
They won 2 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals at the Athletics Turkey Championships
admin / 18.05.2023
Our students who participated in the Athletics Turkey Championship organized by the Turkish Universi...
The 87th anniversary of Ankara State Conservatory was celebrated with enthusiasm
METİN MUNZUR / 18.05.2023
The 87th establishment anniversary of Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory was celebrated ...
TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal visits Hacettepe Technopolis
admin / 17.05.2023
TUBITAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal visited the pre-incubation and incubation center during his...
Ambassador of Georgia visited the Rector
admin / 16.05.2023
Georgia's Ambassador to Ankara Giorgi Janjgava, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran visited his...
Prof. Dr. Murat Fani Bozkurt elected as the President of Turkish Society of Nuclear Medicine (TSNM) Executive-Board
Prof. Dr. Murat Fani Bozkurt, the Head-of Nuclear Medicine Department, has been elected as the Presi...
Earthquake survivor mother and daughter took their first steps in Hacettepe
admin / 12.05.2023
In addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches were applied by Hacett...
TÜBİTAK 1004 support for the project presented by Hacettepe University
admin / 10.05.2023
The signing ceremony of Hacettepe's “Next Generation Biomaterials Technologies Research Network Pla...
Disaster and Fire Awareness Training at our University
admin / 10.05.2023
Disaster and Fire Awareness Training was carried out in cooperation with the Occupational Health and...
Advisory Board Meeting
FUNDA ÜNSAL / 10.05.2023
The 2023 Ordinary Advisory Board Meeting was held online on 03.05.2023 under the chairmanship of our...
Award to our academicians in the patent competition
admin / 04.05.2023
Academicians of the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of our university returned with an a...
Hacettepe pride in Wushu Championship
admin / 03.05.2023
Representing our university in the Turkish University Sports Wushu Championship, the WUSHU Women's ...
Ordine Della Stella D’Itaila
METİN MUNZUR / 03.05.2023
Prof. Dr. Metin Munzur was honored with the Order of "Italian Star Order Knight" by the President ...
University Students Research Projects Support Program call
admin / 03.05.2023
TÜBİTAK Scientist Support Programs Presidency (BİDEB) encourages associate and undergraduate student...
The Recipient of an International Award
The international success of Ass.Prof. Ahu SUMBA from the Department of Political Science and Public...
Outstanding success of Hacettepe makes a difference
admin / 01.05.2023
Our University's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Society came first in the "Türksat Model Satellite Compe...
TUBITAK success of our Department of Psychology students
HÜSEYİN NERGİZ / 28.04.2023
Four projects submitted by our Department of Psychology students were entitled to be supported in th...
100th Anniversary: Turkish Republic and National Leader Heydar Aliyev conference in Hacettepe
admin / 28.04.2023
An event was held at our university on the occasion of the year 2023, when we celebrate the 100th an...
“University Youth in the Century of Türkiye” symposium was held at Hacettepe University
admin / 28.04.2023
Academicians and students came together for a healthy life in the symposium themed “University Youth...
Bilateral agreement signed with Federico Henríquez y Carvajal University
ÖZGÜR YAŞAR AKYAR / 25.04.2023
Federico Henríquez y Carvajal University Vice Rector Prof. Dr Darwin Muñoz visited our Vice Rector P...
TÜBA TEKNOFEST Doctoral Science Award was given to our student
admin / 25.04.2023
Aslıhan Arslan was awarded the second prize in the field of Health and Life Sciences at the TÜBA TEK...
Hacettepe University Student Shines at International Conference in Las Vegas
GURSEL ABBAS / 24.04.2023
Gursel Abbas, a chemical engineering undergraduate student from Hacettepe University, participated i...
Promotional support for intern medical students and international residency students
admin / 14.04.2023
A salary payment service agreement for intern medical students and international specialty students ...
Knight Order of Merit to İhsan Aslan
Hacettepe University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Basic French Lecturer İhsan Aslan h...
Burcu Tarıkahya Hacıoğlu has been assigned as Associate Editor in Plant Genetic Resources Journal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Tarıkahya Hacıoğlu has been assigned as Associate Editor in Plant Genetic Res...
The first Nutrition Support Unit in Turkey accredited for 5 years
admin / 11.04.2023
Hacettepe University Adult Hospital Nutrition Support Unit became the first nutrition unit in Turkey...
Evaluation Visit to Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
FUNDA ÜNSAL / 10.04.2023
The English and Turkish Medical Education Programs of the Faculty of Medicine of our University were...
28th European Youth Go Championship Held at Hacettepe University
admin / 07.04.2023
At the 28th European Youth Go Championship organized by Hacettepe University, approximately 90 young...
Prof. Dr. Fatih Özaltın answered the questions of TÜBİTAK
admin / 06.04.2023
Professor Dr. Fatih Özaltın, who was awarded the TÜBİTAK Science Award for his studies in the field ...
2030 Sustainable Development Agenda Information and Dissemination Meeting
admin / 05.04.2023
Hacettepe University 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda Information and Dissemination Meeting was h...
Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen answered the questions of TÜBİTAK
admin / 05.04.2023
Our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen answered the questions of TÜBİTAK.
Contributions of Deparment of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Alumna Merve Çaydere in Oscar-Awarded Movie
İSMAİL BEZCİ / 31.03.2023
Merve Çaydere, who graduated from Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Fine...
The projects of our two faculty members will be supported by TUSEB
admin / 31.03.2023
According to the results of the TÜSEB Group A Urgent R&D Project Call, the projects of 2 faculty mem...
Cooperation protocol between our university and Shymkent University
admin / 31.03.2023
An academic cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and Çimkent University.
Preliminary Evaluation Report for Earthquakes with Engineering and Sociological Dimensions
The Preliminary Evaluation Report for Pazarcık and Elbistan (Kahramanmaraş) Earthquakes on February ...
Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes Investigation Report has been published
admin / 24.03.2023
"February 6, 2023 – Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık and Kahramanmaraş Elbistan Earthquakes Investigation Rep...
QS Announced its 2023 Rankings by Subject
admin / 24.03.2023
Our university, which was ranked in 5 main topics this year, continued its success in the 278th plac...
Three faculty members from Hacettepe University were awarded the BAGEP 2022 Award.
admin / 22.03.2023
Within the framework of the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program, three of the BAGEP 2023 ...
Hacettepe yanında...
admin / 18.03.2023
The project Hacettepe Yanında, which we developed as Hacettepe University to support their education...
Commemoration ceremony for our 17 students lost in the earthquake
admin / 16.03.2023
17 saplings were planted for the students we lost in the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquake disaster ...
Waste turned into building in Hacettepe
admin / 16.03.2023
The opening of the Support Services Building of our university, which draws attention with its const...
Cooperation protocol between BAŞKENTGAZ and our University
admin / 16.03.2023
A Training and Internship Cooperation protocol was signed between BAŞKENTGAZ and Başkent OSB Vocatio...
They came together in Hacettepe for the 14 March Medicine Day
admin / 15.03.2023
Organized jointly with the medical faculties in Ankara, the "14 March Medicine Day" was hosted by ...
The report prepared by Assoc Prof. Dr. Derya Dikmen was published by WHO
ZEYNEP GÖKTAŞ / 15.03.2023
COST Project Support to Prof.Dr. I. Cagatay Karaaslan
BAŞAK EZGİ SARAÇ / 14.03.2023
TUBITAK 2519 - COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) project application of Prof.Dr....
Legal support for our earthquake survivor students
admin / 13.03.2023
The Faculty of Law will provide legal support to the students affected by the earthquake and their f...
How do scientists explain earthquake lights?
ÜLKÜ ULUSOY / 08.03.2023
The blue lights that were reported to be seen in the sky before or during the Kahramanmaraş earthqua...
SOVE award to Prof. Dr. Salih Bülent Alten
admin / 07.03.2023
Prof. Dr. Salih Bülent Alten (Biology Department) has been unanimously selected by the SOVE awards c...
Dr. Onur Cagdas Artantas is awarded Overseas Post-doctoral Research Fellowship by TUBITAK
Dr. Onur Cagdas Artantas is awarded financial support by TUBITAK in the framework of 2219 Post-docto...
TUBITAK 1001 support for 6 projects from our university
admin / 27.02.2023
6 projects from Hacettepe University were among the 240 projects that were decided to be supported w...
Situation assessment was carried out in archaeological sites in the earthquake zone
admin / 23.02.2023
Under the coordination of Archeology Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Tekin, investi...
Hacettepe University embraced earthquake victims
admin / 15.02.2023
After the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, a total of 438 earthquake victims were treated at our univer...
Hacettepe academics are detecting the impact of the earthquake
admin / 15.02.2023
Civil Engineering and Geomatics Engineering faculty members of our university were assigned to the e...
Mobilization for Earthquake from Hacettepe
admin / 12.02.2023
After the earthquakes that took place in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş and affect...
Depremle ilgili üniversitemizin senato kararı
admin / 06.02.2023
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Senatosu, Kahramanmaraş merkezli gerçekleşen depremlerle ilgili alınan kararl...
Aid Campaign from Hacettepe University
admin / 06.02.2023
As Hacettepe University, we encourage all our academic and administrative staff, students, parents a...
Hacettepe University Strategic Plan
METİN YILMAZ / 31.01.2023
Hacettepe University 2023-2027 Strategic Plan has been published.
Black box of food decrypted
This week, Anadolu Agency included an interview with Food Engineering Department Faculty Member Prof...
Eren Çanga, the quality ambassador of our university, at EQAF 2022
EREN CANGA / 17.01.2023
Eren Çanga, a member of the ESU Quality Assurance Student Experts Pool, was the only representative ...
Berkay Tarım was elected as a full member of YÖKAK Student Commission
EREN CANGA / 17.01.2023
Berkay Tarım, a graduate student at our university, was elected as a member of the 4th Term Student ...
In memory of Prof. Dr. Güneri Akalın
ESRA TEKİN OKTAY / 11.01.2023
It is edited by our Faculty Members of the Department of Finance Prof. Dr. Pelin Varol İyidoğan and ...
A book in memory of Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener
ESRA TEKİN OKTAY / 11.01.2023
The book titled "Business Studies - In Memory of Prof. Dr. Hasan Işın Dener" was published by the ...
In memory of Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi
ESRA TEKİN OKTAY / 05.01.2023
The Book of Gifts to Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi was published by the Faculty of Economics and Administra...
Proceedings of the Agroconturkey Conference were published as e-books
ESRA TEKİN OKTAY / 04.01.2023
Papers presented at the International Online Agrocon Turkey Conference, where all aspects of agricul...
Environmental Engineering students returned from the Invention Festival with 2 awards
TÜRKAY ONACAK / 03.01.2023
The students of the Environmental Engineering Department won both the first and second awards of Inv...
TÜBİTAK Science Award to our two faculty members
admin / 28.12.2022
Within the scope of TÜBİTAK awards, our faculty members Prof. Dr. Vural Gokmen and Prof. Dr. Fatih Ö...
The Doping Control Center's accreditation was renewed.
SİNAN ÖNOL / 28.12.2022
2023 Accreditation of Hacettepe University Turkish Doping Control Center was renewed by WADA.
100 Successful Women Leaders in Decision Mechanisms Award
Professor Sibel Aksu Yıldırım, Faculty Member of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, was awarded th...
The success of the students of the Food Engineering Department in the Shape D-Future competition
EZGİ DOĞAN CÖMERT / 22.12.2022
Hacettepe University Food Engineering Department 4th year students achieved a significant success in...
Accessible Hacettepe
Gamze KILIÇ, a graduate of our university, gave hope to many people with his speech at the “Accessib...
Insurance and Company Law Symposium was put under the microscope
ÖMER FARUK ŞENGÖR / 21.12.2022
Under the leadership of the Hacettepe School of Law, with the contributions of the Presidency of the...
Green Metrics Ranking announced
MELTEM YILMAZ / 20.12.2022
Hacettepe University was ranked 481 among 1050 universities worldwide in the “UI Greenmetric - Susta...
THEQC Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) evaluation team completed the site visit
FUNDA ÜNSAL / 20.12.2022
THEQC Institutional Accreditation Program (IAP) evaluation team completed the site visit.
Proud success from our graduate Muhammet Aydın
Muhammet Aydın, a 2005 Graduate of English Language and Literature from our Faculty of Letters, was ...
Endocrine News magazine interviewed a scientist from Turkey for the first time
admin / 19.12.2022
In the publication of the American Endocrine Society, an interview was included in which Prof. Dr. O...
Award to Serhat Can Bayar and Doğan Çiçek's Some Carbon initiative
DOGAN CICEK / 19.12.2022
Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering Chemical Engineering Students Serhat Can Bayar and Doğan...
Innovative Internal Sciences Doctor of the Year award was given to Prof. Dr. Fatih Özaltın
FATİH ÖZALTIN / 19.12.2022
In collaboration with İstanbul University-İstanbul Medical School and Doctor Club, Innovative Physic...
Special issue from Radiation Physics and Chemistry to commemorate Olgun Güven's 75th birthday
Olgun GUVEN / 19.12.2022
The most prestigeous scientific journal on radiation physics and chemistry published in the USA cele...
Study sheds light on human mobility 10,000 years ago
Led by researchers from Hacettepe University and METU, a new study published in Current Biology reve...
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper Kumcu Joins Translation, Cognition & Behaviour as Co-Editor
ALPER KUMCU / 12.12.2022
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper Kumcu from the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Faculty of Le...
The evaluation team has started site visits
admin / 11.12.2022
As part of the YÖKAK institutional accreditation program, the evaluation team has started the site v...
Best Paper Award to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan Işık
VOLKAN ISIK / 08.12.2022
Social Sciences Vocational School Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan Işık was awarded the "Best Paper...
To The Leading Edge… Toward Being The Best with Quality
admin / 06.12.2022
YÖKAK Institutional Accreditation Program (KAP) External Evaluation Process will be held between 11-...
The 2022-2023 URAP World Rankings have been announced
admin / 29.11.2022
Hacettepe University was ranked 517th in the World's Best Universities Ranking and 1st among Turkis...
Hacettepe residents won the first and second prizes in the Resident Papers Contest
admin / 24.11.2022
Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of our University contributed to the 44th...
The book of research findings “Digital Transformation in Turkey’s Music Industry: Cultural Producers and Platformization” is published
“Digital Transformation in Turkey’s Music Industry: Cultural Producers and Platformization” research...
The red-backed fairywren is on the verge of extinction due to climate change
UTKU PERKTAŞ / 22.11.2022
Prof. Dr. Utku Perktaş's research shows that the red-backed fairywren will lose a subspecies and a ...
They returned from the Medical Genetics Congress with 2 awards
Nurten Akarsu / 22.11.2022
Department of Medical Genetics was deemed worthy of the "Oral Paper First Prize" and the "Oral Pa...
One of the most notable developments in migraine research comes from Hacettepe.
One of the most influential advances in migraine research over the last 20 years is from Hacettepe
Turkey Fifth Demographics Conference Completed
YASER KOYUNCU / 21.11.2022
The Fifth Demographics Conference of Turkey was held face to face on 17-18 November 2022 in Ankara, ...
TÜBA-GEBİP Award to Assoc. Dr. Şefik Evren Erdener
Norolojik Bilimler / 21.11.2022
Our Faculty Member of the Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry Assoc. Dr. Şefik Evren E...
IBG Science Award to Assoc. Prof. Tunca Doğan
TUNCA DOGAN / 21.11.2022
Hacettepe University faculty member Assoc. Prof. Tunca Doğan was awarded the 2022 IBG Science Medal....
Our graduate Ahmet Emin Bülbül's doctoral thesis has been published as a book.
Communication Sciences PhD Program graduate Ahmet Emin Bülbül's doctoral thesis titled The Sense of...
Collaboration in the fight against addiction
admin / 17.11.2022
“Ankara Treatment and Rehabilitation Workshop in Combating Addiction” organized in cooperation with ...
2 separate awards to the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
admin / 15.11.2022
Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology returned from the 31st National Turkish Orthopedics and T...
Advisory board meeting held
admin / 15.11.2022
Under the chairmanship of our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran, the Ordinary Advisory Board Meeti...
Bank promotions have been agreed
admin / 15.11.2022
An agreement has been reached with HalkBank, which makes the salary payments of our university staff...
Costa Rican Ambassador Mr. Gustavo Campos Fallas visited our University
admin / 12.11.2022
Costa Rican Ambassador Gustavo Campos Fallas visited our University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Gü...
A bilateral scientific research cooperation protocol was signed between our university and Ankara University
admin / 12.11.2022
A bilateral scientific research cooperation protocol was signed between our university and Ankara Un...
Quality Assurance in Higher Education Conference was given
admin / 09.11.2022
The conference titled Quality Assurance in Higher Education, organized by Prof. Dr. Muhsin Kar, was ...
Gender equality analysis report published in numbers
admin / 09.11.2022
Hacettepe University 2018-2021 Period Gender Equality Current Situation Analysis report has been pub...
A Contribution to the defense industry sector from our department of chemistry
Murat SEN / 08.11.2022
Elastomer-based vibration damping isolators were developed as a result of scientific studies on rubb...
The Manifesto of the Cadaver Found the National Sculpture Contest Awards Winners
Fatih KURTCU / 08.11.2022
In cooperation with the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Medicine, "Manifesto of the Cadaver...
Prof. Dr. Okan Bülent Yıldız receives prestigous international award from the U.S.
Bulent Yildiz / 08.11.2022
Hacettepe University faculty member Prof. Okan Bülent Yıldız, MD has received "Walter Futterweit Cl...
The first TeamSTEPPS training in Turkey was held
Melih ELCIN / 07.11.2022
The first training was given to the team, which will work within the scope of TeamSTEPPS, Tools and ...
Upper Mesopotamia, the fusion center of Neolithic cultures
The study conducted at Hacettepe University Department of Anthropology Human_G Ancient DNA Laborator...
Assoc. Prof. Tunca Doğan wins TUSEB Aziz Sancar Award
TUNCA DOGAN / 07.11.2022
Hacettepe University faculty member Assoc. Prof. Tunca Doğan was awarded the 2022 TUSEB Aziz Sancar ...
Assist. Prof. Ege Özgün receives Tübitak 3501-Career Development Fund
EGE OZGUN / 02.11.2022
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ege Özgün receives Tübitak 3501-Career Development Fund with his project titled "...
Student Profile Report published
admin / 02.11.2022
The Institute of Science published the 2021-2022 version of the Student Profile Report, which it pre...
The best Ph.D. thesis award to Hacettepe University graduate
Cagatay Tavsanoglu / 01.11.2022
The best Ph.D. thesis award from the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Association was granted to the...
Hacettepe is First Again
Our 2022 graduates Gülseren Eker, Cahide Elif Dikan and Emine Ersöz were awarded the first prize in ...
Faculty Member of the Faculty of Communication Emre Toros receives the 2023 Fulbright Academic Research Award
EMRE TOROS / 01.11.2022
Professor Emre Toros will continue his studies at Harvard University next semester.
A new project has been added to the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies.
Selay ARKUN / 31.10.2022
The Circus of Knowledge Project of which Hacettepe University is one of the scientific cooperation p...
An award from the international congress to our graduate student
admin / 27.10.2022
Müge Özdemir, graduate student of the biology department of our university, was entitled to receive ...
THE World University Rankings by Subject have been announced:
admin / 27.10.2022
In the 2023 THE World University Rankings by Subject, Hacettepe University ranked first in Turkey in...
External stakeholder information meeting was held
admin / 27.10.2022
Under the chairmanship of our Rector, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran, an ordinary information meeting ...
QS World Universities Rankings: Sustainability 2023 announced
admin / 27.10.2022
In the QS Sustainability 2023 ranking made for the first time this year, 700 universities from 71 co...
2021 Hacettepe Awards Found Their Owners
admin / 25.10.2022
The 2021 Hacettepe Awards found their owners at the 2022-2023 Academic Year Opening Ceremony held on...
International awards to FoQuS Research Group
admin / 24.10.2022
Our University's Food Quality and Safety Research Group achieved an important success in the Flash ...
56th academic year opening in Hacettepe
admin / 24.10.2022
Hacettepe University opened its new academic year with a special ceremony. At the ceremony, “Hacette...
Discover research in Hacettepe
admin / 21.10.2022
Our new “Research” page is online, allowing researchers to quickly access the information they want....
They returned from the international congress with 8 awards
admin / 21.10.2022
The researchers of the Geomatics Engineering Department of our university, who participated in the I...
SOVE Award to Dr. Gizem Oğuz
admin / 21.10.2022
Dr. Gizem Oğuz, who is working as a researcher on the ecology of vector sand flies, was awarded as a...
Stanford University Announces World's Most Influential Scientists for 2021
admin / 18.10.2022
Stanford University's research, which ranks the most influential scientists in the world, takes int...
New Report from FBE Data Analysis Unit Covering 52 Years of Data
admin / 18.10.2022
FBE Data Analysis Unit published the "Hacettepe University Science and Engineering Graduate Educati...
Member of the board of directors for our faculty member
admin / 17.10.2022
Prof. Dr. Erem BİLENSOY, Head of Pharmaceutical Technology Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy of ...
Brief Analysis of THE 2023 Rankings
admin / 14.10.2022
Times Higher Education (THE) made its 2023 ranking with 2019-2020 academic year data. Hacettepe Univ...
Student support from Hacettepe
admin / 11.10.2022
Our University's Health, Culture and Sports Department has doubled the number of students who can w...
What happened in Distance Education?
admin / 10.10.2022
The invited research project titled "Comparative Analysis of Face-to-face Teaching and Distance Edu...
The world's largest
admin / 06.10.2022
The opening of the world's largest "Gypsy Girl" mosaic replica, which was created in one piece an...
Hacettepe University achieved a global success
admin / 05.10.2022
Hacettepe University has become one of the 31 priority centers determined among approximately 18 tho...
Visit from Tabriz University Rector to our University
admin / 03.10.2022
Iranian Tabriz University Rector Prof. Dr. Safar Nasrollahzadeh and his accompanying delegation visi...
“European Network of Physiotherapy in Higher Education (ENPHE) MASTER THESIS AWARD 2022” Award
admin / 01.10.2022
The master's thesis study, prepared in cooperation with the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Unit o...
Third place in the world from our student
admin / 29.09.2022
Our student Talha Demir was the third place winner in the FISU World Martial Arts Cup.
Support for the project of the Faculty of Education
admin / 28.09.2022
The project prepared by the Faculty of Education of our university was entitled to receive grant sup...
Return visit by Hacettepe University Rector to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Ankara
admin / 27.09.2022
Hacettepe University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit GÜRAN made a return visit to Yerkebulan SAPİYEV, ...
First class excitement of the newest members of the Hacettepe family
admin / 27.09.2022
Students who have just joined the Hacettepe family said hello to university life with the first less...
Newspaper Hacettepe is on the air
admin / 22.09.2022
The new news portal of our university, “Newspaper Hacettepe”, started its publication life with its ...
Hacettepe is the first choice again
admin / 14.09.2022
Our university took its place among the first preferred universities according to the results of the...
URAP Announced 2022-2023 Turkey Ranking
admin / 13.09.2022
University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory within the METU Informatics In...
It was held in the “Doğramacı Building”
admin / 12.09.2022
The new administrative building built on the Beytepe Campus was named “Doğramacı Building” and inaug...
2022 TÜBA Award to Our Student
admin / 12.09.2022
Having completed the Educational Administration Inspection Planning and Economics Doctorate Program ...
Our graduate came first in Turkey at TEKNOFEST
admin / 09.09.2022
"TSIF: Tumor and Respiratory Monitoring Phantom Team", captained by Dr. Taha Erdoğan, our grad...
The 2022-2027 Research Priority Areas Report has been published
admin / 06.09.2022
In order to create the institutional research projection of our university, a report was published i...
Orange Flag from YÖK to Faculty of Dentistry
admin / 05.09.2022
Our university's Faculty of Dentistry was awarded the "Orange Flag" award in the category o...
Subject Distribution Analysis of Hacettepe Addressed Publications
admin / 23.08.2022
The Analysis of Subject Distribution of Publications from Hacettepe University, prepared by Tolga Ça...
Our student spoke at the United Nations Environment Conference panel
admin / 17.08.2022
Reem Al-Saffar, a student of our university's Science Faculty Biology Department, spoke as a paneli...
Happy birthday Hacettepe
admin / 09.08.2022
Today, we are celebrating the fifty-fifth anniversary of Hacettepe University.
URAP Announces 2021-2022 World Universities Field Rankings
admin / 04.08.2022
Hacettepe University took place in 22 fields in the 2021-2022 world university field rankings prepar...
New housing opportunities for our students
admin / 01.08.2022
Some progress has been made by our university within the scope of increasing the accommodation oppor...
The work of the Faculty of Sport Sciences is published in the international journal
admin / 29.07.2022
The study of the Faculty of Sports Sciences was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
TRNC Minister of National Education Çavuşoğlu visited our university
admin / 27.07.2022
Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Minister of National Education of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), v...
Hacettepe promotion days are starting!
admin / 27.07.2022
After the announcement of the YKS results, Hacettepe University will open its doors to offer three f...
Hacettepe at Anıtkabir on its 55th anniversary
admin / 08.07.2022
On the 55th anniversary of Hacettepe University, university senate members and administrators visite...
TÜBİTAK 1001 support to our 17 faculty members
admin / 07.07.2022
Within the scope of TÜBİTAK "1001-Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program...
The project of the researchers of our Food Engineering Department will be supported within the scope of Horizon Europe
admin / 07.07.2022
The researchers of the Food Engineering Department of our university undertook an important task in ...
Hacettepe University bid farewell to its graduates
admin / 07.07.2022
Hacettepe University gave their diplomas to 6,261 students who completed their associate and undergr...
Hacettepe University Senate condemns the attack on doctors
admin / 07.07.2022
Hacettepe University Senate condemned the attack on Assoc. Dr. Koray Başar, a lecturer in the Depart...
Team Cervos placed fifth in the world
admin / 07.07.2022
Team Cervos, consisting of our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) group students ranked fifth in the wor...
Our faculty member is the General Secretary of the European Federation of Pharmacology Societies.
admin / 06.07.2022
Prof. Dr. Nezahat Tuğba Durlu Kandilci was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors and Secreta...
CWTS Leiden Ranking Announces 2022 Results
admin / 24.06.2022
According to the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2022 results, Hacettepe University ranked 433th in the world ra...
QS World University Rankings 2023 Results Announced
admin / 11.06.2022
QS World University Rankings evaluated 1,422 universities out of 2,462 applying this year.
International Award to Prof. Dr. Rezan Topaloğlu
admin / 10.06.2022
Prof. Dr. Rezan Topaloğlu was awarded the 2022 "Educational Activity Award" by IPNA (International...
Visit to Hacettepe University by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ankara
admin / 09.06.2022
Erkebulan SAPİYEV, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ankara, visited Hacettepe University ...
Our Rector attended the "Incsos VII Karabakh International Social Sciences Congress"
admin / 09.06.2022
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit GÜRAN attended the "Incsos VII Karabakh International Social Scie...
Hacettepe national boxer became the second in the world
admin / 09.06.2022
Hacettepe University student Talha Demir successfully represented his university and Turkey at the 7...
Our researchers are in Nature journal
admin / 07.06.2022
Hacettepe University researchers are in Nature for their work providing proof-of-concept for a multi...
Hacettepe personnel received Turkey's first para karate medal
admin / 07.06.2022
Biologist Oya Ekici, who went on the tatami at the "Para Karate European Championship", in which 3...
THE ASIA University Rankings 2022 announced
admin / 02.06.2022
The 2022 results of the ASIA University Rankings, which are carried out every year by Times Higher E...
Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme 2 program support for Food Engineering Department researchers
admin / 31.05.2022
The research project, which will be hosted by our university Food Engineering Department, will be su...
New COST action from researchers of Department of Food Engineering
admin / 31.05.2022
The actions of the researchers of the food engineering department of our university to reduce the ri...
Hacettepe Stop of the Capital Culture Road Festival
admin / 30.05.2022
Under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the opening of 3 exhibitions organized ...
Hacettepe is the first Turkish scientist to receive a recognition award in the field of endocrinology.
admin / 27.05.2022
Prof. Dr. Okan Bülent Yıldız, Faculty Member of the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology...
Land Ethic Research and Application Center broke new ground
admin / 24.05.2022
The "Land Ethic Education Project," realized for the first time in Turkey by the Hacettepe Univers...
Turkey's First and Only Bee House Opened
admin / 23.05.2022
The bee house built in the lavender field within the scope of the project carried out in cooperation...
Hacettepe's Signature of Rare Two-Stage 'Kidney' Operations
admin / 23.05.2022
Hacettepe University is one of the few centers in the world that can enlarge non-functioning bladder...
Cooperation steps between Hacettepe and universities in Azerbaijan
admin / 19.05.2022
Azerbaijan Health Minister Teymur Musayev visited our university on May 18.
Ceramics are painted for MPS in Hacettepe
admin / 16.05.2022
MPS patients had a full day at the event held at Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts as part o...
Al Farabi University Rector Tuymebayev visited our Rector in his office
admin / 15.05.2022
Kazakhstan Al Farabi University Rector Prof. Dr. Zhanseit Tuymebayev visited our Rector Prof. Dr. Me...
Cooperation protocol signed with Samarkand State University
admin / 13.05.2022
Ilhomjon Tohtasinov, Rector of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, visited our universit...
TUBITAK BIGG Success of Our Students
admin / 11.05.2022
The business idea titled “Bubble Barrier” prepared by Hacettepe University Environmental Engineering...
Institute of Population Studies Applications for Graduate Programs
admin / 29.04.2022
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies is accepting applications for the Demography (M...
Hacettepe Career Expo 2022 was Held Hybrid and Barrier-Free
admin / 29.04.2022
Hacettepe Career Expo, which brings together the giant names of the sector with students with the ev...
THE Announces Impact Rankings for 2022
admin / 28.04.2022
While our university climbed to the 201-300 band in the general evaluation, it made a big leap in th...
Pediatric Allergy Department Center of Excellence
admin / 28.04.2022
Our University's Department of Pediatric Allergy, which has achieved many successes in the in...
Artificial Intelligence Approach to Genetically Originated Diseases
admin / 20.04.2022
The results of the bioinformatics research conducted in partnership with Hacettepe University and Mi...
Antidepressants Cause Antibiotic Resistance
admin / 14.04.2022
Assoc. Dr. Didem Kart, Assoc. Dr. Müjde Eryılmaz and Specialist Pharmacist Suna Sibel Gürpınar parti...
Cooperation of Teaching and Learning Centers
admin / 14.04.2022
Our Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center joins forces with Koç University, Bilkent University, M...
Collaboration of Teaching and Learning Centers: Our First Event
admin / 14.04.2022
Harvard University's Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Deputy Director of Science Educa...
Shares of “First Year Experience in University Professional Network”
admin / 14.04.2022
It was hosted by Hacettepe University and Sabancı University in March within the scope of monthly th...
QS Announced 2022 Rankings by Subjects. Hacettepe Rises...
admin / 06.04.2022
Hacettepe University has made a significant leap this year compared to previous years, within the sc...
Turkey Champion for Our Student
admin / 04.04.2022
In the Modern Pentathlon (Laser-Run) branch organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation in...
Hacettepe Signature in the Reference Book
admin / 01.04.2022
One of the world's two most important reference books in the field of hormonal diseases has been ...
Fulbright Academic Research Scholarship to Our Faculty Member
admin / 24.03.2022
Prof. Dr. Sinem Onaran has been awarded a Fulbright Academic Research Scholarship (2022-2023).
Three faculty members from Hacettepe University were awarded the BAGEP 2022 Award.
admin / 22.03.2022
Within the framework of the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program, three of the BAGEP 2022 ...
A Novel Gene, A New Syndrome from Hacettepe University to The Medical Literature
admin / 18.03.2022
A new syndrome in the world has been identified with the signature of Pediatric Nephrology Unit of t...
Civil Society Digitization Report Published
admin / 10.03.2022
The "Civil Society Digitization Report" was published within the scope of the project titled ...
Award from the Turkish Education Foundation to the Students of our Faculty of Medicine
admin / 01.03.2022
Ayşe Derin Nalçakan and Ezgi Aysu Şahin won Turkish Education Foundation (TEV) Dr. Orhan Birman Medi...
Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Term Annual Report Published
admin / 28.02.2022
Our center organized 40 activities within the scope of 4 different projects for the instructors last...
AB HORIZON 2021 Project Support for VERG Lab
admin / 31.01.2022
Hacettepe University Department of Biology, Department of Ecology VERG laboratory received AB HORIZO...
Barrier-Free Access and Communication Guide from Our Faculty Members
admin / 17.01.2022
Upon the request of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, Directorate of Communications, the gu...
IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Award to the IEEE Student Community
admin / 06.01.2022
Our university's IEEE Student Community has been awarded by IEEE for its exemplary performance in p...
Research Encouragement Award to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunca Doğan
admin / 29.12.2021
Our university faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunca Doğan was awarded with the 2021 Research Encour...
URAP Announces 2021-2022 World University Rankings
admin / 27.12.2021
Hacettepe University was ranked 524th among world universities in 2021-2022, and 1st among Turkish u...
Professorship Certificates Presented
admin / 21.12.2021
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran presented the "Professorship Certificates" for the year 20...
QS EECA Announces 2022 Universities Rankings
admin / 18.12.2021
An overview of the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings 2022 results.
Italian State Medal to Prof. Dr. Murat Akova
admin / 06.12.2021
Prof. Dr. Murat Akova was awarded the Order of the State of Italy for the development of scientific ...
Special Logo For The 55th Anniversary Of The Establishment Of Our University
admin / 03.12.2021
In order to create and implement the functional and original 55th anniversary honor logo, which will...
First Robotic Surgery from Prof. Dr. Sertaç Yazıcı
admin / 01.12.2021
Prof. Dr. Sertaç Yazıcı performed the first Robotic Cystectomy operation in the hospital at the invi...
TÜBİTAK 2247-C Trainee Researcher Scholarship for Our Students
admin / 22.11.2021
Our Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Pharmacy students were entitled to receiv...
Forest Fire Panel in UN Conference Moderated by Çağatay Tavşanoğlu
admin / 22.11.2021
A forest fire panel moderated by Çağatay Tavşanoğlu was held at the United Nations Climate Change Co...
Stanford University Announces World's Most Influential Scientists for 2020
admin / 12.11.2021
Stanford University's research, which ranks the most influential scientists in the world, takes int...
Hacettepe University Ranks 165th in The World Ranking and 1st in the Country Ranking in the "Clinical Medicine" Title
admin / 01.11.2021
U.S. News Best Global Universities Ranking evaluated 1750 universities from 90 countries for the yea...
2020 Hacettepe Awards Found Their Owners
admin / 26.10.2021
The 2020 Hacettepe Awards found their owners at the 2021-2022 Academic Year Opening Ceremony held on...
THE Publishes Ranking of Universities of Emerging Economies
admin / 21.10.2021
Times Higher Education (THE), which has published the Universities of Emerging Economies ranking sin...
Ten Millennia of Hepatitis B Virus Evolution
admin / 20.10.2021
The genome analysis of the Hepatitis B virus obtained from 137 ancient individuals, including sample...
A Decade of Thousand Evolutions of the Hepatitis B Virus
admin / 20.10.2021
The genome analysis of the hepatitis B virus obtained from 137 ancient individuals, including sample...
Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center Started It's Activities
admin / 19.10.2021
Focusing on developing interactive teaching and learning practices, the Sustainable Teaching and Lea...
THE Announced Third Group Subject Rankings for 2022
admin / 14.10.2021
Within the scope of THE by Subject 2022, the rankings of the universities evaluated under the subjec...
TRT Future Communicators Award to Our Students
admin / 12.10.2021
In the 7th TRT Future Communicators competition, the students of our University were awarded the fir...
Second Group of THE 2022 Subject Rankings Announced
admin / 10.10.2021
Universities included in the main topics in the second group within the scope of THE by Subject 2022...
Academician Award to Kubilay Aktulum
admin / 04.10.2021
Prof. Dr. Kubilay Aktulum was deemed worthy of the "Text And Academician Award" by the Internation...
Seal of Excellence Award to Prof. Dr. Hülya Karataş
admin / 30.09.2021
Dr. Karataş Kurşun's experimental research in the field of migraine aura was awarded the prestigi...
Six Medals for Our Faculty Members at the International Invention Fair
admin / 27.09.2021
Our faculty members were awarded with six different medals in the International Invention Competitio...
Hacettepe University Ranks 1st in
admin / 22.09.2021
Hacettepe University Ranks First Among Universities in Turkey in THE 2022 World University Rankings ...
Burcu Kelleci Çakır is a Member of the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
admin / 10.09.2021
Burcu KELLECİ ÇAKIR has been elected to the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Ed...
Cofund Program Between TÜBİTAK and Horizon 2020
admin / 09.09.2021
TÜBİTAK and European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program cofunded the project of...
A Brief Review of THE 2022 Rankings
admin / 09.09.2021
Hacettepe University was ranked between 601-800 in the 2022 THE World University Rankings.
First Native Quantum Chemical Software MacroQC is Published
admin / 02.09.2021
First Native Quantum Chemical Software MacroQC is published by Prof. Dr. Uğur BOZKAYA Research Group...
3500-Year-Old 'Ceramic Kiln' Found in Aydın Tepecik Mound
admin / 31.08.2021
A "ceramic kiln" dating back 3500 years was unearthed in Tepecik Mound...
Shanghai Ranking Has Announced The World University Rankings
admin / 20.08.2021
The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2021, prepared by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy...
Report on Recent Fires is Published
admin / 17.08.2021
The report prepared on the forest fires that occurred in the last period and what to do after the fi...
7,500-Year-Old Village Ruins Found in Kahramanmaraş
admin / 09.08.2021
Excavations in the Türkoğlu district of Kahramanmaraş continue under the coordination of the Ministr...
More than 40 5,000-year-old tombs unearthed
admin / 09.08.2021
Archaeological excavations at Küllüoba Tumulus in Eskişehir have found 25 cube-shaped child graves a...
CoronaVac COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe and Protects Against Disease, Interim Analysis of Phase 3 Trial Suggests
admin / 20.07.2021
Interim analysis from phase 3 randomised controlled trial of more than 10,000 participants aged 18-5...
Accreditation to the Faculty of Engineering
admin / 14.07.2021
Our University's Faculty of Engineering departments are accredited by MÜDEK.
TUBITAK 1001 Support to 12 Hacettepe Projects
admin / 09.07.2021
12 of the 247 project proposals that were decided to be supported in the 1st term of 2021 within the...
Hacettepe University Ranks 154th Among World Universities in The Field of Dentistry
admin / 09.07.2021
Our university took place in 13 of 62 science fields in the 2020-2021 world field ranking prepared b...
International InterPARES Trust AI Project Archives 4.0: Configuring Artificial Intelligence and Secure Data Archives
admin / 06.07.2021
The International InterPARES Trust AI Project in which Hacettepe University is a partner and led by ...
Anadolu Agency and Hacettepe University signed a cooperation protocol in the field of R&D studies
admin / 02.07.2021
A cooperation protocol was signed between Anadolu Agency (AA) R&D Center and Hacettepe University In...
TUBITAK University Students Research Projects Support Program
admin / 27.06.2021
TÜBİTAK 2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program, which was created to encourage...
Hacettepe University has become a member of UN SDSN
admin / 15.06.2021
Hacettepe University has become a member of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), whi...
QS Announced World University Rankings for 2022
admin / 14.06.2021
According to the QS World University Rankings 2022 results, in which the results of the 2019-2020 ac...
Dr. Okan İçten, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Dergisi'nde
admin / 10.06.2021
Dr. Okan İçten's article was selected as a VIP (Very Important Paper) and also a magazine cover b...
THE ASIA University Rankings Announced: Hacettepe is Rising in Citation Numbers
admin / 02.06.2021
While Hacettepe University ranked 125th in the Asian Universities ranking published by Times Higher ...
70 Person "Ace Team" of Turkish Science
admin / 29.05.2021
There are 9 names from Hacettepe in the list of the outstanding scientific achievement group, prepar...
Accreditation to the Faculty of Science
/ 28.05.2021
Faculty of Science departments were accredited by FEDEK until September 30, 2023.
Our Faculty Members Have Been Awarded at the 19th National Surgery Congress
admin / 27.05.2021
Two studies from the Department of General Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine received the 1st and 2...
Accreditation to the Faculty of Letters
admin / 27.05.2021
Faculty of Letters departments were accredited by FEDEK until September 2023.
Dr. Gülşah Merve Kılınç Receives Funding from Tübitak ARDEB 3501 Program
admin / 05.05.2021
Dr. Gülşah Merve Kılınç receives funding from the 3501 Program of Scientific and Technological Counc...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunca Doğan Receives Funding from Tübitak ARDEB 3501 Program
admin / 05.05.2021
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tunca Doğan receives funding from the 3501 Program of Scientific and Technological ...
New Accreditation to the Faculty of Education
admin / 05.05.2021
5 programs of our Education Faculty were accredited for 3 years by the Association for Evaluation an...
Our Biology Department Researchers Develop Two New Diagnostic Keys
admin / 01.05.2021
Dr. Filiz Günay, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Erişöz Kasap and Prof. Dr. Bülent Alten has developed two new...
THE Announces 2021 Impact Rankings
admin / 25.04.2021
Hacettepe University participated in the THE Impact Ranking under 5 main headings and included in th...
The Work of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şirin Okyayuz is in the United Nations Broadcast
admin / 21.04.2021
Şirin Okyayuz presented on behalf of the researchers the studies on barrier-free access, made with t...
2 Important Reports from Our Institute of Population Studies and the United Nations
admin / 16.04.2021
Two important reports prepared within the scope of the cooperation between Hacettepe University Inst...
New Book from Our Institute of Population Studies
admin / 16.04.2021
Published by our Institute of Population Studies, the new book offers a detailed look at the plight ...
Best Poster Award for Our Faculty Members
admin / 16.04.2021
The study presented at the 18th European Hematopathology Meeting by Güneş Esendağlı, Ayşegül Üner, M...
Scientific Research Award to Özge Boyacıoğlu
admin / 15.04.2021
Research article, Özge Boyacıoğlu, PhD student of Güven Health Group, Institute of Science and Techn...
Prof. Dr. Hakan Eroğlu's project has become a commercial product
admin / 12.04.2021
As a product of the R&D project signed between Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty Memb...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gamze Bora in the Journal of Human Molecular Genetics
admin / 01.04.2021
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gamze Bora's new research article was featured as the cover image in the December ...
Accreditation to the Child Development Department
admin / 19.03.2021
Child Development Undergraduate Program is accredited for 5 years.
Accreditation to the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
admin / 13.03.2021
Nutrition and Dietetics Undergraduate Program is accredited for 5 years.
Accreditation to the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
admin / 13.03.2021
Nutrition and Dietetics Undergraduate Program is accredited for 5 years.
Vedat Menderes Özçiftci at the International Neuroethics Society Committee
admin / 01.03.2021
Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Program, P...
“Trainee Professional Development” Award to Gökçe Gürler
admin / 28.12.2020
Gökçe Gürler was awarded the “Trainee Professional Development Award” given to young researchers by ...
METU Parlar Foundation 2020 Research Incentive Award
admin / 28.12.2020
Sinem Onaran and Berkan Dülek were deemed worthy of the METU Parlar Foundation 2020 Research Incenti...
Prof. Dr. Bekir Salih
admin / 26.12.2020
He was elected as a Council Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences
Turkish Academy of Sciences Award to our Faculty Members
admin / 25.12.2020
Under the auspices of the Presidency; TÜBA International Academy Awards, TÜBA-GEBİP (Outstanding You...
Prof. Dr. Füsun Çetin Çuhadaroğlu, IACAPAP Honor Medal
admin / 10.12.2020
Prof. Dr. Füsun Çetin Çuhadaroğlu was awarded the IACAPAP Medal, which is given to people who make a...
URAP Announces its 2020-21 Ranking: Hacettepe is in The Top 500
admin / 04.12.2020
According to the 2020-2021 academic performance world ranking of the URAP (University Ranking by Aca...
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel, Chairman of the Science Board of the Cereal Science and Technology Association
admin / 01.12.2020
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was elected as the Chair of the ICC Academy of the International Grain Scienc...
YÖK Research Universities Announced Performance Results
admin / 05.11.2020
Research Universities Performance Monitoring Index studies for 2019 were completed in cooperation wi...
"Turkish Biochemistry Association- Prof. Dr. Nazmi Özer Science" Award to Dr. Seyhan Türk
admin / 01.11.2020
Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Biochemistry Lecturer Dr. Seyhan Türk was the...
Outstanding Achievement Award from the Council of Higher Education
admin / 16.10.2020
The doctoral thesis written by Melikşah Arslan under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saime Selen...
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu, “Worldwide Leader”
admin / 15.10.2020
The first of the International "Metrodora Awards" was awarded to Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu, a facu...
Hacettepeli Director to the Vector Ecology Association
admin / 12.10.2020
Hacettepe University Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Ecology Department Research Assistant D...
“TRT Future Communicators” Award to Our Students
admin / 01.10.2020
In the 6th TRT Future Communicators Competition, Zafer Yılmaz, a student of our university, was awar...
“Atuf Kansu Educational Studies” Award to Dr. Habibe Dilsiz
admin / 01.10.2020
Hacettepe University Health Sciences Institute Child Development and Education Program doctoral stud...
2 Hacettepe Students Among the Winners of the "For Women in Science" Program
admin / 20.07.2020
Within the scope of L'Oréal-UNESCO's program, two women scientists from the Institute of Health Sc...
Hacettepe Stamp for Dr. Aysun-Ahmet Küçükel Medicine Awards
admin / 16.07.2020
Within the framework of the Dr. Aysun-Ahmet Küçükel Medicine Awards Directive, three of the 2020 You...
BAGEP 2020 AWARD to our researchers
admin / 16.07.2020
Hacettepe University Faculty of Science faculty member Doç. Dr. Sinem Onaran, Engineering Faculty Fa...
Ankara's First University Success Center is at Hacettepe University
admin / 30.03.2020
In accordance with the protocol signed with the Francophonie University Agency (AUF), the world's l...
WADA Registration to Doping Control Center in 2020
admin / 30.03.2020
The Turkish Doping Control Center (TDKM) was also accredited for 2020 by the World Anti-Doping Agenc...
TÜSEB Science Award goes to Hacettepe
admin / 30.03.2020
One of the owners of this year's TUSEB Aziz Sancar Science Award, which is given annually by the Tu...
WCPT Accreditation for Turkey's first and only FTR Faculty Undergraduate Program
admin / 30.03.2020
Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation...
2020 Asaf Savaş Akat Economics Award to Hacettepe
admin / 30.03.2020
Winner of the Asaf Savaş Akat Economics Award, organized for the second time by the Journal of Econo...
Hacettepe is Leading in Field of Medicine and Life Sciences Again
admin / 04.03.2020
According to the "QS World University Ranking 2021" data, Hacettepe University entered the list un...
Hacettepe is at The Top in Research
admin / 22.02.2020
According to the General Report on University Monitoring and Evaluation published by the Higher Educ...
“2020 Young Translators Competition” Award to Rumeysa Hilal Taşkın and Kübra Beyaz
admin / 11.01.2020
In the 2020 Young Translators Competition, Rumeysa Hilal Taşkın, a student of the Department of Tran...
Sedat Simavi Health Sciences Award to Hacettepe
admin / 13.12.2019
The "Sedat Simavi Awards", which have been given for 43 years in the name of Sedat Simavi, the fou...
Hacettepe Presidency Culture and Art Grand Prize in Social Sciences
admin / 13.12.2019
This year's recipient of the Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards in the field of Social Scie...
"2019 Young Social Scientists" Award to Dr. Emre Gör
admin / 02.12.2019
Dr. Emre Gör received an award in the PhD Thesis category in the 2019 Young Social Scientists Award ...
Dr. Neşe Ünver in Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews Magazine
admin / 01.12.2019
Dr. Neşe Ünver's article was published in the December 2019 issue of the "Cytokine and...
“Friedrich Schweitzer” Award to Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel
admin / 01.12.2019
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was awarded the “Friedrich Schweitzer” medal in December 2020.
Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary Doctorate) Title to Erem Bilensoy
admin / 11.10.2019
Our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary...
"ALASYA Great Art" Award to Doç Hüseyin Özçelik
admin / 01.10.2019
Do. Hüseyin Özçelik was presented the EL BURUNI Ceramic Masters Award within the scope of ALASYA Gra...
ERTC Quality Label for Cardiology Department
admin / 01.10.2019
Department of Cardiology Electrophysiology Unit registered with ERTC seal.
Medals for Our Faculty Members at the "ISIF'19 4th International Inventions Fair" Competition
admin / 02.09.2019
Prof. Dr. H. Fadıl Akyol and Dr. Fatih Biltekin won the Silver Medal with their patents called “Vagi...
Gastrointestinal Oncology Textbook Edited by Prof. Dr. Şuayib Yalçın
admin / 01.09.2019
Textbook of Gastrointestinal Oncology, written as one of the most comprehensive textbooks published ...
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nurşen Başaran Became Vice President of the International Toxicology Association
admin / 15.07.2019
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nurşen Başaran was elected as the Vice President of the International Union of Toxico...
Award to Zafer Yılmaz at “TRT Future Communicators Competition”
admin / 03.07.2019
Zafer Yılmaz, "You Haven't Read Such A Click News" in the Internet News category! He won the firs...
First Prize to Dr. İrem (Yendi) Çetin
admin / 01.05.2019
Dr. İrem (Yendi) Çetin was awarded the first prize in the 14th Ünal Aysal Thesis Evaluation Competit...
Award to Our Faculty Members
admin / 01.05.2019
At the “The Rhinoplasty Meeting” congress, Prof. Dr. Ersoy Konaş won the "Best Paper" award and Re...
Details of Jackallar Volcano Eruption Revealed
admin / 01.05.2019
Dr. Inan Ulusoy and Dr. Erdal Şen is among them; An international group of researchers, consisting o...
Accreditation to the Department of Occupational Therapy
admin / 15.03.2019
Our University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy has been accredited fo...
Dr. Neslihan Taş in the Journal of Food Research International
admin / 08.03.2019
Dr. Neslihan Taş has been elected as a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Food Research...
Prof. Dr Nuray Kanbur, President of SAHM International Chapter
admin / 07.03.2019
Prof. Dr. Nuray Kanbur was elected as the President of the SAHM International Chapter (President Ele...
Prof. Dr. Kadriye Bakırcı has been elected as Turkey Representative (Expert) in the field of Gender Equality Law.
admin / 01.02.2019
Prof. Dr. Kadriye Bakırcı has been elected as Turkey Representative (Expert) in the field of Gender ...
Dr. Cemile Yılmaz in the Journal of Food Research International
admin / 01.02.2019
Dr. Cemile Yılmaz has been elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Food Researc...
International Commendation Award to Prof. Dr. Orhan Derman and Prof. Dr. Nuray Kanbur
admin / 01.02.2019
Prof. Dr. Orhan Derman and Prof. Dr. Nuray Kanbur won the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine...
“Research and Encouragement” Award to Doç. Dr. Mehmet Emre Taşgın
admin / 01.12.2018
Doç. Dr. Mehmet Emre Taşgın was awarded the 2018 “Research and Encouragement Award” by METU Prof. Dr...
Hacettepe Stamp for the Invention Festival
admin / 01.12.2018
Ozan Kaya, Engin Göktan, Beste Elibol and Sueda Boztürk, Dr. Türkay Onocak won the first prize in th...
Award to Our Faculty Members
admin / 01.12.2018
Faculty of Engineering faculty member Doç. Dr. Mehmet Erkut Erdem and Faculty of Medicine faculty me...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Karadağ Çaman at the World Health Summit
admin / 01.10.2018
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Karadağ Çaman was the first academician from Turkey to be invited as a "Young...
First Prize for Our Student
admin / 01.10.2018
Büşra Bozkurt's business idea named "Turkey for Health" won the first prize.
Award to Children and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble
admin / 01.09.2018
Our University Children's and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble was selected as the "Best Children's Grou...
Our Students Rank Fourth in the World in the CANSAT 2018 Model Satellite Competition
admin / 11.06.2018
Our students ranked fourth in the CANSAT 2018 model satellite competition held in the USA, which Hac...
Our Conservatory Student "Female Star of Tomorrow"
admin / 01.05.2018
Gizem Sözeri won the second prize in the "Meriç Soylu Shining Stars Competition" and was selected ...
Accreditation to the Faculty of Nursing
admin / 01.05.2018
It has been accredited until 2020 with the decision of 'Intermediate Visit' by the Association for...
The Quality of Pediatric Urology Education Has Been Certified
admin / 31.03.2018
The quality and competence of the education given in the Department of Pediatric Urology, Department...
"Masatoshi Gündüz Ikeda Research" Award to Doç. Dr. Sinem Çelik Onaran
admin / 30.03.2018
Doç. Dr. Sinem Çelik Onaran was awarded the "Masatoshi Gündüz Ikeda Research Award" by the Mathema...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Bozkaya, in The Journal of Physical Chemistry
admin / 29.03.2018
The article published by Assoc. Prof. Dr Uğur Bozkaya with his doctoral student Aslı Ünal was publis...
An Award to Our Student at the "National Young Talents Music Competition"
admin / 27.03.2018
In the 2018 National Young Talents Music Competition, our university Ankara State Conservatory stude...
"BAGEP 2018" Award to Our Faculty Members
admin / 20.03.2018
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahmaran, one of the faculty members of the Faculty of Engineering of our universi...
Third Prize to Our Students
admin / 19.03.2018
Enes Atmaca and Betül Atalay won the third prize with their work titled “Patient Profile System (HPS...
Award to Our Students at the "2nd National Composition Competition"
admin / 15.03.2018
Ankara State Conservatory student Onur Arınç Duran won the first prize in the 2nd National Compositi...
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gürcan Günaydın in the Journal of Nature Communications
admin / 01.02.2018
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gürcan Günaydın's article in the Nature Communications Journal was published in t...
An Award to Our Students at the “2018 Young Translators Competition”
admin / 01.01.2018
Berkan Seyhan, who entered the competition from the Department of Translation and Interpretation of ...
An Award to Our Students at the “2017 Young Translators Competition”
admin / 21.12.2017
In the 2017 Young Translators Competition, English Translation and Interpretation Department student...
Prof. Dr. Osman HORATA's Book at Harvard University
admin / 01.12.2017
Prof. Dr. Osman HORATA's book “Cemâlî Hümâ vü Hümâyûn Analysis-Critical Text-Facsimile” was publi...
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan at the Prestige Conference
admin / 01.12.2017
At the European Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (CIRSE) Congress, the 23rd Pr...
“2017 Junior Medal” Award to Dr. Tolgahan Kocadağlı
admin / 01.12.2017
Res. Assist. Dr. Tolgahan Kocadağlı, Department of Food Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, w...
Doç. Dr. Bülent Gül's "Mongolian İbni Mühenna Dictionary" Award
admin / 01.12.2017
Doç. Dr. Bülent Gül, a faculty member of the Institute of Turkic Studies, was awarded the Outstandin...
“Prof. Dr. Cigdem Kağıtçıbaşı Human Development Research” Award to Dr. Mustafa Öztürk
admin / 01.12.2017
School of Foreign Languages Dr. Mustafa Öztürk became one of the winners of the "Prof. Dr. Çiğdem K...
"Necdet Aydın Stage Interpretation" Special Award to Our Students
admin / 01.12.2017
Ankara State Conservatory Opera Department Undergraduate 3rd year student Seray Pınar won the first ...
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahmaran received the "ACI Wason Medal for Materials Research" Award
admin / 01.12.2017
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahmaran's article titled "Preconditioning Method for Accelerated Testing of Con...
Prof. Dr. Murat Caner Testik Elected President of ENBIS
admin / 01.11.2017
Prof. Dr. Murat Caner Testik has been elected as the President-elect of Europan Network for Business...
Doç. Dr. "BAGEP 2017" Award to Emine Eren Koçak
admin / 06.10.2017
Emine Eren Koçak was deemed worthy of the Science Academy Young Scientists Award Program (BAGEP) 201...
Dr. Songül Çınaroğlu's "Travel Grant" Success
admin / 01.10.2017
Dr. Songül Çınaroğlu was entitled to participate in the 20th European meeting of the International S...
"Scientific Study" Award to Our Faculty Members
admin / 01.10.2017
Prof. Dr. Müberra Babaoğul, Prof. Dr. Arzu Şener and Dr. Esna Betül Buğday were deemed worthy of the...
First Prize to Dr. Ceren Özkul
admin / 01.10.2017
Dr. Ceren Özkul's oral presentation titled "Intestinal Microbiota Metagenome Analysis in Obesity (...
World Champion for Our Student
admin / 27.09.2017
İbrahim Alperen Alkan became the World Champion in the 12th World Mounted Archery Championship by pl...
Hacettepe University Became a Research University
admin / 26.09.2017
Hacettepe University has been selected as a Research University by the Council of Higher Education.
FECMM Title for Prof. Dr. Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı
admin / 01.09.2017
Prof. Dr. Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı, a faculty member of the Faculty of Medicine of our University, was ...
Fulbright Achievement of Our Ph.D. Students
admin / 01.09.2017
As part of the Fulbright Student Program, Zeynep Begüm Kalyoncu was placed at Harvard University and...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. “Edith T. Hitz” Scholarship to Pelin Güven Geredeli
admin / 01.09.2017
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Güven Geredeli won the "Edith T. Hitz" scholarship, which is given to a sma...
First Prize to Meral Gülgün Ünal
admin / 22.08.2017
Ankara State Conservatory student Meral Gülgün Ünal was awarded the first prize in the 16-18 age cat...
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu at the European Parliament
admin / 01.08.2017
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu was invited to Brussels to speak at the European Parliament, which represe...
Fulbright Support to Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Köseoğlu
admin / 20.07.2017
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Köseoğlu has been accepted to the Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Fellowshi...
Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk, Founding Member of the Fight Against Non-Communicable Diseases Organization
admin / 01.07.2017
Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk was selected as one of the 13 founding members of the "Organization for Comb...
"European Training Assessment" Certificate to the Department of Radiology
admin / 01.07.2017
The Department of Radiology was certified by the European Society of Radiology with the "European T...
Award to Our Conservatory from the "National Composition 2017 Competition"
admin / 01.07.2017
Orhan Veli Özbayrak, lecturer and graduate student of Ankara State Conservatory Composition and Orch...
Prof. Dr. Şükrü Halûk Akalın "Outstanding Service to the Turkish Language" Award
admin / 01.06.2017
Prof. Dr. Şükrü Halûk Akalın was deemed worthy of the "Outstanding Service to the Turkish Language ...
Pharmacy Academy 2017 Service Award to Faculty of Pharmacy
admin / 01.06.2017
The Faculty of Pharmacy was deemed worthy of the Turkish Pharmacists Association (TEB) Pharmacy Acad...
Children and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble World Winner
admin / 01.05.2017
Our University's Children's and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble won the world first prize as the ensembl...
Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Medal of Honor Fund's first award was given to Dr. Yalın Sencer Şahin
admin / 01.05.2017
Prof. Dr. The Aziz Sancar Medal of Honor Fund award was received by Yalın Sencer Şahin, a student of...
Best Article Award to Doç. Dr. Ayşe Müge Andaç Özdil
admin / 06.04.2017
Doç. Dr. Ayşe Müge Andaç Özdil was deemed worthy of the best article award for her work presented at...
Turkey Record by Buse Arıkazan
admin / 04.04.2017
Buse Arıkazan broke the Turkish record with a time of 4.27 m in women's pole vault at the Istanbul ...
"Best Bulgarian Interpretation" Award to Ilgın Top
admin / 01.04.2017
Ilgın Top, 11th grade student of the Violin Art Branch High School, won the second prize and the "B...
Artist of the Year Award to Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Özçelik
admin / 01.04.2017
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Özçelik was deemed worthy of the “2016 Ceramics Artist of the Year Award” by t...
First Prize to Alp Yazganarıkan
admin / 22.03.2017
Alp Yazganarıkan won the second prize in the Classical Ballet category at the 2nd International Juni...
Presidential Mission to Prof. Dr. Zafer C. Çehreli
admin / 01.03.2017
Prof. Dr. Zafer C. Çehreli has been appointed as the chairman of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DE...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baki Öztürk as Editor-in-Chief of IJEIE Magazine
admin / 01.03.2017
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baki Öztürk has been appointed as the Chief Editor of the leading international Jou...
Institution Honor and Achievement Award to Ankara State Conservatory
admin / 01.03.2017
Ankara State Conservatory was deemed worthy of the "Institution Honor and Success Award" given by ...
The Most Comprehensive Book in the History of Medicine by Prof. Dr. Murat Yurdakök
admin / 27.02.2017
The most comprehensive and most voluminous Turkish medicine book ever published in Turkey was prepar...
First Turkish Violin Artist at the Royal School of Music
admin / 23.02.2017
Arda Karakaya became the first Turkish violinist to be awarded a full scholarship by the Associated ...
Third Prize to Samed Kahreman
admin / 16.02.2017
Samed Kahreman won the 3rd prize in the University Category of the 10th National Young Soloist Compe...
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Önder Efe in SAGE Magazine
admin / 01.02.2017
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Önder Efe has been elected as the chief editor of the SAGE journal named Transactio...
Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan'a
admin / 09.12.2016
Prof. Dr. Vedat Işıkhan was awarded the 2016 ICSMP award on stress management by the International C...
Award to Our Students at the "EDELWEISS Piano Competition"
admin / 02.12.2016
In the Der Erste Internationale Wettbewerb 'EDELWEISS' Piano Competition, Yrd. Doç. Menekşe Akar'...
Award to Our Students at the "V. International Orleu Ballet Schools Competition"
admin / 28.11.2016
Efe Burak, one of our students who participated in the "5th International Orleu Ballet Schools Comp...
Audience Award to Our Student
admin / 14.11.2016
Tuğba Kürümüş was awarded the Audience Award at the Ankara Goethe Institute/Cinema Dance Ankara Shor...
The Optical Society (OSA) Foundation Scholarship to Our Student
admin / 09.11.2016
Orhan Torun, a graduate student, won a travel scholarship given to two students by The Optical Socie...
Gold Medal to Turgay Erdener
admin / 01.11.2016
Turgay Erdener was deemed worthy of the “2016 Foundation Honor Award Gold Medal” by the unanimous vo...
Prof. Dr. Serpil Oppermann, 7th President of EASLCE
admin / 30.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Serpil Opperman was elected the 7th President of the EASLCE (Association for the Study of ...
First Prize for Our Students
admin / 16.10.2016
Kübra Akeren and Burak Ekici won the first prize in the TUBiTAK 2242 University Students Software Pr...
Achievement Award to Hande Boztepe
admin / 03.10.2016
Assist. Prof. Dr. Handan Boztepe's project named "Oral Injector" is a Women in Innovation Themed ...
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan at the World Health Organization
admin / 03.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan was elected Vice President of the World Health Organization- Hydatid Cyst Worki...
Our Faculty Members at The Untold Story of IFN-g in Cancer Biology
admin / 01.10.2016
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Güneş Esendağlı and Dr. Mole. Biol. M. Alper Kurşunel's work was published in The ...
Ezgi Doğan Cömert and Aytül Hamzalıoğlu in the Journal of Food Research International
admin / 01.10.2016
Ezgi Doğan Cömert and Aytül Hamzalıoğlu have been elected to the Editorial Board of Food Research In...
Prof. Dr. Nurşen Başaran Became Vice President of the World Toxicology Association (IUTOX)
admin / 01.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Nurşen Başaran has been elected as the vice president of the World Toxicology Association ...
Doping Control Center WADA Listed
admin / 30.09.2016
The Turkish Doping Control Center was included in the list of Accredited Doping Analysis Laboratorie...
Best Research Award to Özge Karadağ Çaman
admin / 21.09.2016
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge Karadağ Çaman won the "Best Research Award" for her work presented at the ...
Outstanding Paper Award to Işık Çadırcı
admin / 01.09.2016
The paper, of which Prof. Dr. Işık Çadırcı is among the authors, was awarded the "Outstanding Paper...
TÜBA GEBIP Award to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinem Çelik Onaran
admin / 01.09.2016
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinem Çelik Onaran was deemed worthy of the 2016 TÜBA GEBIP Award.
Beekeeping Honor Award to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asli Özkırım
admin / 01.09.2016
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asli Özkırım has been one of the 6 people elected to the 2016-2019 Board of Directo...
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazlı İkizler Cinbiş is in IET Computer Vision Magazine
admin / 01.09.2016
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazlı İkizler Cinbiş started to work as Assistant Editor at IET Computer Vision ma...
Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations Book by Prof. Dr. Adnan Tercan
admin / 15.06.2016
Prof. Dr. Adnan Tercan's "Module Theory, Extending Modules and Generalizations Birkhauser, Springe...
Children and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble at the 33rd Year Reception
admin / 13.06.2016
The Children's and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble gave a performance that made our university proud at t...
"Rhythmic Harmony, Rhythmic Harmony" Achievement Award to Our Students
admin / 05.06.2016
The Classroom Teaching Undergraduate Choir was recognized with the "Rhythmic Unity, Rhythmic Harmon...
Best Student Paper Third Place Award to Our Student
admin / 16.05.2016
Computer Engineering Department student, Berkan Demirel; Under the consultancy of Nazlı İkizler Cinb...
Turkish Doctor's Success in America
admin / 30.12.2015
Prof. Dr. Tolga Tözüm was on the cover of the last issue of the World Scientific Journal of Oral and...
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy, first Turkish President
admin / 15.06.2015
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy was unanimously elected as the President of EUFEPS-European Federation of Ph...
CIUTI Accreditation to the Department of Translation and Interpretation
admin / 28.05.2015
Membership of CIUTI (Conference Internationale Permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteu...
MÜDEK Accreditation to the Faculty of Engineering
admin / 01.05.2015
The 10 undergraduate programs of the Faculty of Engineering that have graduated have been accredited...
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan "European Academy of Sciences and Arts" Membership
admin / 02.03.2015
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan has been accepted as a member of the "European Academy of Sciences and Arts".
Museum Restoration from our University
admin / 23.01.2015
Dr. For his support for the restoration of the Fazıl Küçük Museum; President of the TRNC Republican ...
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel Elected as ICC Academy President
admin / 30.11.2014
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was elected as the first Turkish academician among candidate academics from a...
Membership of Turkish Academy of Sciences to Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Doğan
admin / 23.06.2014
Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Doğan, retired faculty member of our university, was elected Honorary Member of ...
Our Faculty Members in the Journal of Nature Nanotechnology
admin / 01.05.2014
Our faculty members' article titled "Squalenoyl adenosine nanoparticles provide neuroprotection af...
Canan Dağdeviren's Success
admin / 30.04.2014
Canan Dağdeviren was elected as a Young Academic Member of Harvard University with the highest votes...
Our University Hospitals Are Accredited
admin / 29.04.2014
Our University Hospitals have been re-accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), one of...
Res. Assist. Havva Tümay Temiz in Science Magazine
admin / 10.03.2014
Article by Res. Assist. Havva Tümay Temiz from our University's Food Research Center is in Science ...
Prof. Dr. Seza Özen and Doç. Dr. Ömer Karadağ are in NEJM Magazine
admin / 19.02.2014
Prof. Dr. Seza Özen and Prof. Dr. Ömer Karadağ's research paper was published in the New England Jo...
Prof. Dr. Murat Akova, President of ESCMID Association
admin / 15.02.2014
Prof. Dr. Murat Akova will be the president of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Inf...
Letter of Appreciation from the Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu
admin / 06.02.2014
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu's letter of thanks to Hacettepe University and our Rector for the interest shown i...
The Letter of Thanks of Prof. Stoyan Dentchev
admin / 30.11.2013
Letter of thanks from Prof. Stoyan Dentchev for the professionalism and hospitality displayed during...
World Record from Hacettepe!
admin / 26.04.2013
Hacettepe University broke the Guinness World Record with 3034 Participants in 2013 DNA Day.
Our faculty members in Science magazine
admin / 01.03.2013
Article titled "Spreading Depression Triggers Headache by Activating Neuronal Panx1 Channels" by H...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Congratulation Letter to Gülay Mirzaoğlu
admin / 13.12.2012
Prof. Dr. Kemal Silay's Congratulatory Letter to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay Mirzaoğlu for the "42n...
"Technology Leaders Graduate Scholarship Program" Scholarship to our students
admin / 14.11.2012
Our students were entitled to receive a scholarship within the scope of the "Technology Leaders Gra...
International Mission to Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk
admin / 26.08.2012
Kutluk became the first Turkish president of UICC, which has been operating since 1933.