Hacettepe University 2022 Annual Report

The Law on Public Financial Management and Control No. 5018 regulates the structure and functioning of public financial management in order to ensure the effective, economical, and efficient acquisition and use of public resources, accountability, and financial transparency.

Within this framework, our University's Administrative Activity Reports, prepared annually, have been shared with the public through our University's website since 2006. The Administrative Activity Reports play an important role in evaluating the academic, administrative, and financial development of our University over the years, informing our stakeholders, and creating institutional memory.

Internal and external stakeholders who wish to obtain information about our University's activities in 2022 can access the 2022 Administrative Activity Report at the following link: https://sgdb.hacettepe.edu.tr/sayfa_dosyalari/raporlar/faaliyet/2022faaliyetraporu.pdf