Collaboration in the fight against addiction

The workshop held at Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus was attended by Ankara Governor Vasip Şahin, Deputy Governor Dr. Ayhan Özkan, Rector of Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Serhat Ünal attended as honorary and workshop heads.

Workshop, Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Mehmet Cahit Güran. In his speech, Güran stated that the concept of addiction is an important public health problem that has negative effects on the society, economy and development of the country. reminded me that he was out.

Rector Güran underlined that universities also have great responsibilities in the fight against addiction and said: “National and international multidisciplinary studies and training activities are carried out in substance and alcohol research centers, which have many examples around the world. Substance and Alcohol Addiction Application and Research Center, which is a center similar to these centers within our university, operates as one of the first and most important centers established in this field in our country. Apart from this, the Psychological Counseling Unit for our students, student societies; For example, the Young Green Crescent Society raises awareness by organizing activities in the fight against addiction. Within the scope of UNI 101 Introduction to University Life Course, our students are given training in various sessions under the name of Risky Behaviors and Smokeless Hacettepe. As part of similar events, seminars on addiction are given at Radio Hacettepe. As Hacettepe, we will continue to contribute with the right strategies to protect future generations from addiction.”

“Our job is addiction, our strength is struggle”

Governor Vasip Şahin made a speech at the workshop and said: “Today, we will have held the 7th of our 11 workshops. These workshops are a search effort. Hopefully, with what we find as a result of these workshops, it will be possible for the society to be aware of these studies and begin to feel the benefits. I would like to thank Hacettepe University and its rector for cooperating with us in this sense. The fight against addiction is carried out as a state policy, and many studies are carried out in our provinces and districts. Unfortunately, as in the rest of the world, addiction threatens our future in our country as well. Yes, our job is difficult, but we have to carry out our struggle with patience. Our motto today is “Our job is addiction, our strength is struggle”. Our biggest capital is our people. We will achieve this together. Our duty is not to compare our youth with that danger. To reach out to him in advance and take him away from that loneliness.”

In the workshop where 8 different desks consisting of different working groups were set up, all aspects of addiction were discussed under the moderation of two expert academicians.

Academicians, civil administrators, physicians, lawyers, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Research Center (AMATEM) officials, Green Crescent Counseling Center (YEDAM), representatives of non-governmental organizations, psychologists, social workers, social workers, social security experts, Specialists in their fields such as engineers, nurses and midwives, child development specialists, teachers, students and members of the press took part.



