Societal Contribution
> Societal Contribution
Hacettepe IDEAL; turning ideas into business, and business into value
AYDIN ULUCAN / 04.03.2025
Hacettepe IDEAL Entrepreneurship Working Group, founded with the idea of 'Turning Ideas into bu...
Rare patients met with the doctors of the future at the "Students Meet Rare Symposium"
Hacettepe University Center for Genomics and Rare Diseases (HUGEN) organized the 'Students Meet...
A Fairy Tale and Storytelling Festival was held at the Hayat Good Living Center
In collaboration with Hacettepe University and the Atatürk Cultural Center Presidency, a 'Fairy...
The “Loyalty to Kindness Ceremony” held for the first time at Hacettepe University attracted great attention
admin / 25.02.2025
The “Loyalty to Kindness Ceremony” organized by Hacettepe University was held on February 24th at th...
2023-2027 Strategic Plan Unit Action Plan presentations were held
admin / 19.02.2025
Hacettepe University 2023-2027 Strategic Plan Unit Action Plan presentations were held.
The Rector met with the project implementers supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK-ARDEB 1001
admin / 17.02.2025
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran met with the project implementing academic staff who were de...
The Faculty Members of our University’s
admin / 17.02.2025
The “NeuroDeGene” project, which will start on February 17th and includes faculty members from our u...
Investigating the Genetic Basis of a Rare Disease Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology
The study conducted by Gözde İmren, lecturer at the Department of Medical Genetics with CRISPR-Cas9 ...
Eda Eren has been elected as a member of the YÖKAK Student Commission
admin / 05.02.2025
Eda Eren, a student of the Nursing Fundamentals and Management Integrated PhD program at our univers...
Prof. Dr. Şefika Şule Erçetin’s Erasmus+ Project was presented at the 2024 DEOR Meeting.
Our Erasmus+ project, "Sustainable Life, Sustainable Vocational Education," led by the Dea...
Prof. Dr. Deniz Köksal was elected as the President of the Turkish Chest Diseases Proficiency Board
UĞUR KAYA / 04.02.2025
Our university's Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, faculty member Prof. Dr. De...
Research Support from the University of Cologne to Res. Assist. Dr. Gözde Özenç İra
GÖZDE ÖZENÇ İRA / 16.01.2025
Arş. Gör. Dr. Gözde Özenç İra, in the Department of Primary Education, Division of Classroom Teachin...
BIOSFER became an academic center
Hacettepe University Biodiversity Advanced Research Center and Museum (BIYOSFER) not only raises awa...
Tübitak-China Bilateral Cooperation Support to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Yüksel Orhan
ALİ ÖZARSLAN / 10.01.2025
The project of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Yüksel Orhan, Faculty Member of the Department of Chemical Engi...
Dr. Aslı Ünal was given the 22nd Serhat Özyar Young Scientist of the Year Award
ASLI ÜNAL / 07.01.2025
Our university's Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Dr. Aslı Ünal has been awarded th...
Awareness campaign by Nursing Department students attracted the attention of thousands of people
The post by our university's Nursing Department students, themed 'Innovative Patient Educa...
Our university is ranked 299th globally in the UI GreenMetric 2024 rankings
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 02.01.2025
The UI GreenMetric 2024 rankings, which evaluate universities in various areas of sustainability and...
2024 Nagoya City University NCU Contact Points Symposium
TUĞBA SARITAŞ / 31.12.2024
The faculty members of our university, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Prof. Dr. Müge ...
Earthquake Awareness from Students of Hacettepe University Social Work Department
İSMAİL ORBAY / 30.12.2024
Students of the Social Work Department of Hacettepe University made a difference with their social s...
Bağımlılığı Önleme ve Bağımlılıkla Mücadele dersi kapanış etkinlikleri yoğun ilgi gördü
admin / 30.12.2024
In the 2024-2025 academic year, various activities on the topic of "fighting addiction" we...
Our student received a first-place award from the International Andres Segovia Classical Guitar Competition
ELİF AKAR KOSMAN / 30.12.2024
Our Guitar Department student Özberk Miraç Sarıgül won the first prize among 16 participants from 9...
Outstanding Service Award to our University Faculty Member
Our university's Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Health Managem...
Prof. Dr. Güzin Gülsev Uyar Aksoy, a faculty member at Hacettepe University's Mining Engineerin...
exRNA-PATH COST Action Project Support to Prof. Dr. I. Cagatay Karaaslan
TUBITAK 2519 - COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) project application of Prof. Dr...
2024 Sedat Simavi Award in Natural Sciences goes to Prof. Dr. Sinem Onaran
SİNEM ONARAN / 13.12.2024
At the 48th Sedat Simavi Award Ceremony organized by the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC), the ...
Prof. Dr. Banu Sancak's project won Erasmus Program grant support
BANU SANCAK / 11.12.2024
It was prepared by the Disasters and Epidemics Working Group operating within the Turkish Microbiolo...
QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025 Results Announced
admin / 11.12.2024
Academic ranking agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) announced its Sustainability Rankings for 2025. As...
Visit from our Rector to KKTC President Ersin Tatar
admin / 09.12.2024
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Uğur Sadi...
Meeting of Those Who Leave a Mark on the Future
ONUR ALTUNTAŞ / 04.12.2024
At the “Gathering of Those Leaving a Mark on the Future” organized in collaboration with Hacettepe U...
Bilateral Agreement Introduction Meeting Between Hacettepe University and Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Di Bologna
The introductory meeting for the bilateral agreement signed between Hacettepe University and Italy...
“KAYAALP’s Medical Pharmacology and Rational Drug Treatment”, Updated 14th Edition (2024)
The 14th Edition (2024) of the memorable pharmacology book "KAYAALP’S Medical Pharmacology and ...
Significant Contribution to Primary Immunodeficiency Research from Hacettepe University Can Sucak Laboratory
BARAN ERMAN / 21.11.2024
The multi-center research, led by Associate Professor Dr. Baran Erman from the Children's Healt...
Prof. Dr. Aslı Özkırım was elected as the President of the Bee Health Scientific Board of the European Beekeeping Federation (EBA)
ASLI ÖZKIRIM / 21.11.2024
Hacettepe University Biology Department faculty member and Bee and Bee Products Application and Rese...
A study involving our scientists has revealed the history of the domesticated sheep
FÜSUN ÖZER / 14.11.2024
A study conducted by an international team of researchers, led by scientists from Hacettepe Universi...
Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
admin / 13.11.2024
The project of our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Vural Gökmen has been awarded support within ...
Hacettepe University Zero Waste and Waste Management Newspaper
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 07.11.2024
Under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilara Tüfekçioğlu, Hacettepe University Zero Waste and Wast...
Dr. Gamze Varan has received BİDEB funding for her project
GAMZE VARAN / 05.11.2024
Asst. Prof. Gamze Varan's project proposal has been deemed worthy of support under the BİDEB 22...
Asst. Prof. Cem Varan has been awarded TÜBİTAK 2247-D National Early-Stage Researchers Programme
CEM VARAN / 05.11.2024
Asst. Prof. Cem Varan from Hacettepe University Department of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, has b...
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkut Erdem has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkut Erdem from the Department of Computer Engineering has been awarded a grant un...
The pride of Ankara: Hacettepe University's Biodiversity Museum (Biosphere Museum) Welcomes Over 50,000 Visitors a Year
Hacettepe University Biosphere Museum opened on May 22, 2023, and hosted more than 50,000 visitors i...
Prof. Dr. Benat Koçkar'ın projesine TÜBİTAK desteği
admin / 04.11.2024
Üniversitemiz Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Benat Koçkar'ın projesi TÜBİTAK 1505 Üniversite-Sanayi İş...
Hacettepe University and Project ECHO® Launch Sustainable Infrastructure Training for Earthquake Zone
Hacettepe University has been recognized as a Project ECHO® hub through agreements with the Universi...
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy has been awarded a grant under TÜBİTAK 2247-A National Outstanding Researchers Programme
CEM VARAN / 01.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, has been awarded a grant u...
Prof. Dr. Ali Çağlar's book was published by TP London
ALİ ÇAĞLAR / 01.11.2024
Prof. Dr. Ali Çağlar's book titled "Turkey And West Africa Relations" was published b...
The URAP 2024-2025 Turkey Rankings have been announced. Hacettepe University is ranked first among state universities
admin / 31.10.2024
The URAP 2024-2025 Turkey Rankings have been announced, summarizing the academic performance of our ...
38th International Public Finance Symposium was Held
The 38th International Public Finance Symposium was organized by the Department of Public Finance / ...
Prof. Dr. Mete Yıldız's new book entitled
METE YILDIZ / 21.10.2024
Hacettepe University Department of Political Science and Public Administration faculty member Prof. ...
IV. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium was Held
IV. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium was Held
Prof. Dr. Özlem Özgün has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer by the IEEE APS
ÖZLEM ÖZGÜN / 14.10.2024
Prof. Dr. Özlem Özgün, a faculty member of Hacettepe University Department of Electrical and Electro...
Hacettepe Teknokent Hayat Sokakı was opened
admin / 11.10.2024
The opening of "Hacettepe Teknokent Hayat Sokak", a modern social life center, was held wi...
Our Faculty Member Receives the UNESCO-L’Oréal Young Women in Science Award
As part of the 22nd the L’Oréal -UNESCO Turkey "For Women in Science" program, Dr. Gülşah ...
Hacettepe ranks first with R&D projects
admin / 11.10.2024
The top 20 universities with the highest number of R&D projects carried out jointly with industr...
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) Fall Semester Events Are Starting
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) successfully completed the 2023-2024 Spring semes...
Our TEKNOFEST 2024 projects were awarded
admin / 05.10.2024
The projects of our university, which participated as a stakeholder in the TEKNOFEST 2024 Aviation, ...
Two Hacettepe University Graduates in 2024 TÜBA TEKNOFEST Doctoral Science Awards
admin / 05.10.2024
Within the scope of 2024 TÜBA TEKNOFEST Doctoral Science Awards, Faculty of Pharmacy Assistant Profe...
TUBITAK 1001 Support for five projects from our university
admin / 04.10.2024
The evaluation process of the projects submitted to the “1001-UDAP National Earthquake Research Prog...
The Biosphere Traveler's Nature and Museum Diary project was successfully completed
The "Biosphere Traveler's Nature and Museum Diary" project, which aims to raise aware...
We are together with Hacettepe University Societal Contribution Coordinatorship and Student Communities at STEM&Makers Fest/Expo
STEM&Makers Fest/Expo was held on September 27-28, 2024 with the participation of Hacettepe Univ...
TUBITAK 2237 A- Grant Program for Scientific Training
The project titled “Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems for Speech and Language Thera...
First place award in the field of Innovation in Care to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatoş Korkmaz and Ecem Özdemir
ECEM OZDEMIR / 01.10.2024
Nursing Fundamentals Department Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatoş Korkmaz and doctoral student E...
Hacettepe University continues its rise in international rankings
admin / 30.09.2024
Hacettepe University continued its rise in the rankings based on academic productivity and scientifi...
Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was elected President of the European Pediatric Rheumatology Association.
admin / 25.09.2024
Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was elected President of the European Pediatr...
The button has been pressed for the Multidisciplinary Research Center Building
admin / 23.09.2024
The button has been pressed for the Hacettepe University Multidisciplinary Research Center Building,...
First lesson excitement with approximately 7 thousand students at Hacettepe
admin / 23.09.2024
6,985 students who attended ÜNİ101, the highest-participation course in Turkey, took their first ste...
1001 Support from TUBITAK for 5 Projects
admin / 12.09.2024
In the 1st semester of 2024, the scientific evaluation process of the projects submitted within the ...
Innovative Project for a Sustainable Future: Great Success from Our Students
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 12.09.2024
Our students won first place in the 'Innovative Idea and Detail' category with their micro...
Hacettepe at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games
admin / 23.08.2024
Our university's Faculty of Health Sciences faculty member Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Öksüz will serve as...
The Great Sucess of Eren Düzenli-the piano student of our Conservatory
CENK GÜRAY / 14.08.2024
The student of the Piano Department of Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Eren Düzenli p...
TÜBİTAK support for Dr. Lecturer Ozan Arı's project
admin / 13.08.2024
The evaluation period of the project "New approaches in optical quantum random number generatio...
Important observation from Turkish scientists
ERKAN AYDAR / 07.08.2024
Aircraft encounters with volcanic ash have caused significant damage over the past 40 years, resulti...
Tübitak 3501 Grant Support for Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duygu Hatıpoğlu Aydın
The project titled “Mediation in Individual Labor Disputes: Analysis of Legal Practice and of the Ex...
Prof. Hande Dalkılıç's concert in Portugal attracted great attention
CENK GÜRAY / 05.08.2024
Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory faculty member Prof. Hande Dalkılıç gave an enthusias...
Collaboration between Hacettepe University and Duke University
admin / 26.07.2024
A cooperation protocol was signed between Duke University and Hacettepe University.
Cooperation protocol for the Higher Education Management Certificate Program
A cooperation protocol was signed for the implementation of the "Management of Higher Education...
Evaluation of our university's standing in ranking organizations
admin / 18.07.2024
The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP), released the 2023 World Ranking Press Release...
TÜBİTAK'tan 8 projeye 1001 desteği
admin / 16.07.2024
TÜBİTAK "1001-Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Projelerini Destekleme Programı” kapsamında üniv...
The Department of Theatre returned home with an award
METİN MUNZUR / 12.07.2024
Ankara State Conservatory Theatre Department Students Returned from Azerbaijan with an Award
Hacettepe University is Rising in The 2024 CWTS Leiden World Rankings
admin / 12.07.2024
The CWTS (Centre for Science and Technology Studies) Leiden Ranking System has announced the 2024 Wo...
The project investigating the effects of demolition waste on groundwater quality has been completed
Galip YUCE / 12.07.2024
The project titled “Investigation of The Effects of Demolition Wastes After February 2023 Earthquake...
QS World University Rankings 2025: Europe Announced
admin / 11.07.2024
Hacettepe University rose 17 places compared to 2024, ranking 198th
Accreditation of Nuclear Medicine Department
Department of Nuclear Medicine at Faculty of Medicine has been accredited for residency training pro...
Prestigious Award to our Research Assistant at the European Congress of Human Genetics
Dr. Dilsu Dicle Erkan, Research Assistant from the Department of Medical Genetics at our University’...
Prof. Dr. Levent Özçakar was elected 'Vice President' at the World FTR congress
admin / 25.06.2024
Head of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Prof. Dr. Levent Özçakar was deemed ...
A cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and the University of New Mexico
admin / 20.06.2024
With the cooperation protocols signed between Hacettepe and the University of New Mexico, our univer...
GAMEUP Erasmus+ Project: Entrepreneurial Skills of University Students
The Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology and the Department of Business Adm...
Hacettepe University Rises Among World Universities in QS World University Ranking 2025
admin / 04.06.2024
The prestigious academic evaluation organization based in the UK, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), has ann...
Traditional International Friendship Day in Hacettepe
admin / 03.06.2024
"International Friendship Day", which is traditionally held every year at our university a...
2024 Türkiye Population and Health Survey Project was launched
admin / 03.06.2024
A cooperation protocol, including our university, was signed regarding the 2024 Türkiye Population a...
Children discovered biodiversity in Hacettepe
UTKU PERKTAŞ / 03.06.2024
Hacettepe University Social Contribution Coordinatorship raised awareness about biodiversity and cli...
Our faculty member will examine the use of artificial intelligence in municipalities with a TÜBİTAK Project.
METE YILDIZ / 30.05.2024
Prof. Dr. Mete Yıldız, from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, will exam...
Hand in Hand for Rare Diseases meeting was held
Under the auspices of Hacettepe University, patient associations, civil society organizations, polic...
TUBİTAK 4008 support for the project titled
SINEM KARS / 27.05.2024
The project titled "Developing Horticultural Therapy Awareness and Examining its Effect in Chil...
Biodiversity, Agriculture and Children Events in Ankara were held at H.U. Biosphere Museum on World Biodiversity Day.
GÜZİN EMECEN / 27.05.2024
The second training was held within the scope of the "Biodiversity, Agriculture and Children...
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra Concert Season Finale
METİN MUNZUR / 27.05.2024
Hacettepe Symphony Orchestra had an wonderful concert season finale.
Hacettepe Athletic Sports Center was opened
admin / 25.05.2024
The opening of Hacettepe Athletic Sports Center, which is the most equipped and widely used area in ...
Ankara State Conservatory Theater Department, two Awards
METİN MUNZUR / 23.05.2024
At the festival held in Azerbaijan, the students of our university Ankara State Conservatory Theater...
TÜBİTAK 4004 support for the project titled
GÜZİN EMECEN / 17.05.2024
The project titled "Nature and Museum Diary of a Biosphere Traveller", led by Prof. Dr. Ya...
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu received a gold medal from the European Society of Cardiology
admin / 15.05.2024
Department of Cardiology Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu was awarded a special gold medal b...
“So-called Armenian Genocide: Claims and Facts” conference in cooperation with Hacettepe and UNEC
ÖZLEM PINAR ORAN / 13.05.2024
The international conference titled “The So-Called Armenian Genocide: Allegations and Facts” was hel...
The Studies on Korean Popular Culture (2024), edited by Mutlu Binark, Alptekin Keskin, Engin Sarı an...
The world-famous group Janoska Ensemble gave a concert in Hacettepe
METİN MUNZUR / 13.05.2024
The world-renowned "Janoska Ensemble" ensemble gave a concert at our university, Ankara St...
REDCap Institutive Patient Registration System Introduction Meeting was held
REDCap Institutive Patient Registration System Database Applied Introduction and Information Meeting...
Prof. Dr. Arzu Topeli Iskit was the chairperson of the 16th World Intensive and Critical Care Congress, which took place in Istanbul
ARZU TOPELİ İSKİT / 24.04.2024
The 16th World Intensive and Critical Care Congress ("WICC2023" being one o...
The book, authored by Prof. Dr. Murat Diker from the Department of Mathematics, was published by Springer Nature.
MURAT DİKER / 16.04.2024
This book demonstrates that texture space theory is a mathematical model for researchers working in ...
A new biomaterials book has been published in IOP Science in partnership with Hacettepe University and University College London
The book titled "Biomaterials-Innovation for World Healthcare" authored by Assit. Prof. Dr. Merve ...
Green Campus Ranking 2023 (UI GreenMetric)
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 22.03.2024
Green Campus Ranking 2023 (UI GreenMetric) has been announced. Our university, which showed an incre...
Presided by Prof. Dr. ECIM 2024, organized by Serhat Ünal, was held in Istanbul
admin / 22.03.2024
The 22nd European Congress of Internal Medicine (ECIM 2024), one of the largest global events in the...
“How We Made a Difference!” Titled Event
ALEV KARADUMAN / 21.03.2024
Our event entitled “How We Made a Difference!” was held as a part of the Life Without Disabilities A...
A New Research from Hacettepe University Guiding the Treatment of Retina Dystrophies
Our researchers have published the results of a new study highlighting the use of RNA-based therapeu...
Special Jury Award for "Hayat Good Life Center"
UTKU PERKTAŞ / 15.03.2024
Turkey's largest container campus, "Hayat Good Life Center", was deemed worthy of the Social Inve...
Rare Diseases Day in Hacettepe
admin / 04.03.2024
A meeting was held within the scope of Rare Diseases Day in cooperation with Hacettepe University Ge...
The groundbreaking device in the field of radiosurgery is in Hacettepe for the first time in Turkey
admin / 22.02.2024
Hacettepe took another groundbreaking step in the field of radiosurgery. Turkey's first robotic gyr...
Gold medal from the European Society of Radiology to Prof. Dr. Deniz Akata
admin / 14.02.2024
Department of Radiology Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Deniz Akata was awarded the ESR Gold Medal by the E...
Hacettepe University Climate Envoy Elif Ayhan participated in COP28 together with the Turkish Delegation
ELIF AYHAN / 27.12.2023
Hacettepe University Environmental Engineering student and Climate Envoy Elif Ayhan participated in ...
Hayat Good Life Center is in operation
admin / 15.12.2023
The "Hayat Good Life Center" project, which was carried out in cooperation with our university and...
Republic of Turkey in 100th Anniversary Symposium
ALEV KARADUMAN / 23.11.2023
Under the coordination of the Rectorate of our University with the collaborative work of Faculty of ...
Zero Waste Certificate for Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus
On August 22, 2023, Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus was awarded the 'Basic Level Zero Waste Cer...
Zero Waste Certificate for Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus
We received our Zero Waste Certificate
Informing about the activities of our university regarding earthquakes
admin / 29.05.2023
An informative presentation was made to the Hacettepe University Advisory Board about the activities...
Earthquake survivor mother and daughter took their first steps in Hacettepe
admin / 12.05.2023
In addition to medical treatment, physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches were applied by Hacett...
Waste turned into building in Hacettepe
admin / 16.03.2023
The opening of the Support Services Building of our university, which draws attention with its const...
Legal support for our earthquake survivor students
admin / 13.03.2023
The Faculty of Law will provide legal support to the students affected by the earthquake and their f...
Hacettepe University embraced earthquake victims
admin / 15.02.2023
After the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, a total of 438 earthquake victims were treated at our univer...
Mobilization for Earthquake from Hacettepe
admin / 12.02.2023
After the earthquakes that took place in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş and affect...
Collaboration in the fight against addiction
admin / 17.11.2022
“Ankara Treatment and Rehabilitation Workshop in Combating Addiction” organized in cooperation with ...