Hacettepe University Biodiversity Advanced Research Center and Museum (BIYOSFER) makes important contributions to academic studies as well as raising awareness on nature conservation. Having hosted over 50 thousand visitors in the museum section in the last year, BIYOSFER attracts the attention of both the public and academic circles. Although one of the main goals of the museum is to raise awareness among visitors about biodiversity and contribute to the protection of nature, the impact of BIYOSFER goes beyond this; it also provides a platform that supports students and faculty members in the academic sense.
An Important Center for Academic Education
Hacettepe University Faculty of Education students have a unique experience by realizing their Community Service courses in a museum environment. Within the scope of this course, it is aimed to develop students' cooperation and effective communication skills and to increase their social sensitivity and awareness. Students work at the museum on certain days of the week for one semester, interacting with visitors and developing exhibition projects. This process strengthens students' social awareness and applied learning skills.
Hacettepe University's Biology, Geology, History, Anthropology and Graphic Design departments also conduct some of their undergraduate and graduate courses in the museum. In addition, some departments of the Faculties of Education, Communication and Pharmacy also make use of the museum from time to time.
In addition to Ankara-based universities such as Ankara University, Gazi University and Başkent University, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart, Çankırı Karatekin and Çorum Hitit Universities also use the museum as part of their academic courses. Thus, BIOSFER responds to the scientific and educational needs of not only Ankara but also other cities.
High Demand for Internship and Project Work
For the last four years, BIYOSFER has been experiencing intense demand for internships from both Hacettepe University and other universities during the summer semesters. Within the scope of the internship programs, students take an active role in projects such as preparing insect collections, classifying plant species and designing exhibitions by taking advantage of the museum's unique facilities. They also have the opportunity to develop communication strategies by analyzing visitor experiences.
A Bridge for Science, Education and Society
BIYOSFER has gone beyond its exhibition function and has become an academic center that contributes to society, the world of science and educational processes. In this way, it is aimed both to raise awareness of nature and to invest in the future by providing the most suitable academic environment for students and academics.
In addition to raising social awareness, BIYOSFER continues to serve as a bridge for academic studies and applied education. It brings together nature enthusiasts and the world of science, and is rapidly progressing towards becoming an exemplary model by using its existing and limited facilities in the most efficient way despite all constraints.