
News > Other

AYDIN ULUCAN / 28.02.2025
Our University's Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) organized 79 events in the 2024...
UĞUR KAYA / 04.02.2025
Our university's Faculty of Medicine, Department of Chest Diseases, faculty member Prof. Dr. De...
Dilara TUFEKCIOGLU / 07.11.2024
Under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilara Tüfekçioğlu, Hacettepe University Zero Waste and Wast...
admin / 01.11.2024
Hacettepe University Academic Year Opening Ceremony was held with the participation of the Speaker o...
The 38th International Public Finance Symposium was organized by the Department of Public Finance / ...
IV. Insurance and Corporate Law Symposium was Held
The Sustainable Teaching and Learning Center (STL) successfully completed the 2023-2024 Spring semes...
admin / 08.10.2024
A cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and Yapı Kredi Bank on payment and ac...
admin / 25.09.2024
Faculty of Medicine Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Seza Özen was elected President of the European Pediatr...
admin / 10.09.2024
The “Proliz Mobile” application, which allows our university students and academics to use the infor...
admin / 23.08.2024
Our university's Faculty of Health Sciences faculty member Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Öksüz will serve as...
CENK GÜRAY / 05.08.2024
Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory faculty member Prof. Hande Dalkılıç gave an enthusias...
A cooperation protocol was signed for the implementation of the "Management of Higher Education...
ÖZLEM PINAR ORAN / 13.05.2024
The international conference titled “The So-Called Armenian Genocide: Allegations and Facts” was hel...
METİN MUNZUR / 13.05.2024
The world-renowned "Janoska Ensemble" ensemble gave a concert at our university, Ankara St...
admin / 27.04.2024
TEDxHacettepeUniversity, which was held this year with the theme "CONTRAST", brought the contrasts...
admin / 13.03.2024
"100 Japanese Designs from Past to Present Exhibition" organized by the Embassy of Japan and the J...
admin / 04.03.2024
Violin player Elvin Hoxha Ganiyev participated as a soloist in the first concert of the spring semes...
admin / 22.02.2024
Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Mirici, was elected as the ...
admin / 18.12.2023
Our University Symphony Orchestra premiered the "Ankara" symphony composed by German composer Erns...
With the cooperation of Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory Department of Opera and Ankar...
ALEV KARADUMAN / 23.11.2023
Under the coordination of the Rectorate of our University with the collaborative work of Faculty of ...
admin / 23.11.2023
In addition to hosting a webinar on "Quality Assurance in Europe with the European Students' Union...
ÖMER FARUK ŞENGÖR / 23.10.2023
Under the leadership of the Hacettepe School of Law, with the contributions of the Presidency of the...
admin / 19.10.2023
The Council of Higher Education and all universities published a joint statement for 'Palestine'.
ALİ ZİYA ALKAR / 20.09.2023
Hacettepe Career Fair was successfully held on 4-5 May 2023 at Tunçalp Özgen Congress and Culture Ce...
admin / 12.08.2023
Serving as vice president for two years in the 2021-2023 period, Dr. Sucu will continue to serve as ...
We received our Zero Waste Certificate
FATİH KURTCU / 16.06.2023
The Graduation Exhibition, organized as part of the 40th anniversary events of the Faculty of Fine A...
TUTKU SOYER / 13.06.2023
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Prof Tutku Soyer has been elected as a Member ...
admin / 31.05.2023
Prof. Dr. Dilek Aslan, Faculty Member of the Public Health Department, was appointed as a member of ...
admin / 28.04.2023
Academicians and students came together for a healthy life in the symposium themed “University Youth...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Tarıkahya Hacıoğlu has been assigned as Associate Editor in Plant Genetic Res...
admin / 11.04.2023
Hacettepe University Adult Hospital Nutrition Support Unit became the first nutrition unit in Turkey...
admin / 07.04.2023
At the 28th European Youth Go Championship organized by Hacettepe University, approximately 90 young...
admin / 15.03.2023
Organized jointly with the medical faculties in Ankara, the "14 March Medicine Day" was hosted by ...
admin / 13.03.2023
The Faculty of Law will provide legal support to the students affected by the earthquake and their f...
EREN CANGA / 17.01.2023
Eren Çanga, a member of the ESU Quality Assurance Student Experts Pool, was the only representative ...
EREN CANGA / 17.01.2023
Berkay Tarım, a graduate student at our university, was elected as a member of the 4th Term Student ...
SİNAN ÖNOL / 28.12.2022
2023 Accreditation of Hacettepe University Turkish Doping Control Center was renewed by WADA.
ÖMER FARUK ŞENGÖR / 21.12.2022
Under the leadership of the Hacettepe School of Law, with the contributions of the Presidency of the...
ALPER KUMCU / 12.12.2022
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper Kumcu from the Department of Translation and Interpreting at the Faculty of Le...
YASER KOYUNCU / 21.11.2022
The Fifth Demographics Conference of Turkey was held face to face on 17-18 November 2022 in Ankara, ...
admin / 17.10.2022
Prof. Dr. Erem BİLENSOY, Head of Pharmaceutical Technology Department of the Faculty of Pharmacy of ...
admin / 22.09.2022
The new news portal of our university, “Newspaper Hacettepe”, started its publication life with its ...
admin / 27.07.2022
After the announcement of the YKS results, Hacettepe University will open its doors to offer three f...
admin / 06.07.2022
Prof. Dr. Nezahat Tuğba Durlu Kandilci was elected as a Member of the Board of Directors and Secreta...
admin / 23.05.2022
Hacettepe University is one of the few centers in the world that can enlarge non-functioning bladder...
admin / 16.05.2022
MPS patients had a full day at the event held at Hacettepe University Faculty of Fine Arts as part o...
admin / 29.04.2022
Hacettepe Career Expo, which brings together the giant names of the sector with students with the ev...
admin / 28.04.2022
Our University's Department of Pediatric Allergy, which has achieved many successes in the in...
admin / 10.09.2021
Burcu KELLECİ ÇAKIR has been elected to the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Ed...
admin / 15.06.2021
Hacettepe University has become a member of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), whi...
admin / 01.03.2021
Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Program, P...
admin / 26.12.2020
He was elected as a Council Member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences
admin / 01.12.2020
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was elected as the Chair of the ICC Academy of the International Grain Scienc...
admin / 12.10.2020
Hacettepe University Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Ecology Department Research Assistant D...
admin / 01.12.2019
Dr. Neşe Ünver's article was published in the December 2019 issue of the "Cytokine and...
admin / 11.10.2019
Our University Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa (Honorary...
admin / 15.07.2019
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nurşen Başaran was elected as the Vice President of the International Union of Toxico...
admin / 08.03.2019
Dr. Neslihan Taş has been elected as a Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Food Research...
admin / 07.03.2019
Prof. Dr. Nuray Kanbur was elected as the President of the SAHM International Chapter (President Ele...
admin / 01.02.2019
Prof. Dr. Kadriye Bakırcı has been elected as Turkey Representative (Expert) in the field of Gender ...
admin / 01.02.2019
Dr. Cemile Yılmaz has been elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Food Researc...
admin / 01.10.2018
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özge Karadağ Çaman was the first academician from Turkey to be invited as a "Young...
admin / 29.03.2018
The article published by Assoc. Prof. Dr Uğur Bozkaya with his doctoral student Aslı Ünal was publis...
admin / 01.12.2017
At the European Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (CIRSE) Congress, the 23rd Pr...
admin / 01.11.2017
Prof. Dr. Murat Caner Testik has been elected as the President-elect of Europan Network for Business...
admin / 01.09.2017
Prof. Dr. Sevtap Arıkan Akdağlı, a faculty member of the Faculty of Medicine of our University, was ...
admin / 01.08.2017
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu was invited to Brussels to speak at the European Parliament, which represe...
admin / 01.07.2017
Prof. Dr. Tezer Kutluk was selected as one of the 13 founding members of the "Organization for Comb...
admin / 01.03.2017
Prof. Dr. Zafer C. Çehreli has been appointed as the chairman of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DE...
admin / 01.03.2017
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baki Öztürk has been appointed as the Chief Editor of the leading international Jou...
admin / 23.02.2017
Arda Karakaya became the first Turkish violinist to be awarded a full scholarship by the Associated ...
admin / 01.02.2017
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Önder Efe has been elected as the chief editor of the SAGE journal named Transactio...
admin / 30.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Serpil Opperman was elected the 7th President of the EASLCE (Association for the Study of ...
admin / 03.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan was elected Vice President of the World Health Organization- Hydatid Cyst Worki...
admin / 01.10.2016
Ezgi Doğan Cömert and Aytül Hamzalıoğlu have been elected to the Editorial Board of Food Research In...
admin / 01.10.2016
Prof. Dr. Nurşen Başaran has been elected as the vice president of the World Toxicology Association ...
admin / 01.09.2016
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nazlı İkizler Cinbiş started to work as Assistant Editor at IET Computer Vision ma...
admin / 13.06.2016
The Children's and Youth Folk Dance Ensemble gave a performance that made our university proud at t...
admin / 15.06.2015
Prof. Dr. Erem Bilensoy was unanimously elected as the President of EUFEPS-European Federation of Ph...
admin / 02.03.2015
Prof. Dr. Okan Akhan has been accepted as a member of the "European Academy of Sciences and Arts".
admin / 23.01.2015
Dr. For his support for the restoration of the Fazıl Küçük Museum; President of the TRNC Republican ...
admin / 30.11.2014
Prof. Dr. Hamit Köksel was elected as the first Turkish academician among candidate academics from a...
admin / 23.06.2014
Prof. Dr. H. Mehmet Doğan, retired faculty member of our university, was elected Honorary Member of ...
admin / 30.04.2014
Canan Dağdeviren was elected as a Young Academic Member of Harvard University with the highest votes...
admin / 15.02.2014
Prof. Dr. Murat Akova will be the president of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Inf...
admin / 06.02.2014
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu's letter of thanks to Hacettepe University and our Rector for the interest shown i...
admin / 13.12.2012
Prof. Dr. Kemal Silay's Congratulatory Letter to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülay Mirzaoğlu for the "42n...
admin / 26.08.2012
Kutluk became the first Turkish president of UICC, which has been operating since 1933.