Important observation from Turkish scientists

A team from Hacettepe University Geological Engineering Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Erkan AYDAR, Hacettepe, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Universities and Université Clermont Auvergne-Magmas and Volcanoes Laboratory members, examined volcanic eruptions that pose a major threat to civil aviation, classified the damages of volcanic ash-aircraft interactions that occurred in the past according to volcanic eruption types, and identified the factor that caused engine failures in particular.

They proved both statistically and with melting experiments that ash melts inside aircraft engines, which sometimes cause aircraft engines to stop, and that volcanic eruptions are caused by external water (rain, snow, glacier melting water, etc.) and that volcanic ashes melt much more easily in the presence of water. This study by Aydar and his team, titled “Volcanic jets to Commercial Jets: Synopsis and Diagnosis”, was published in the Bulletin of Volcanology journal.