Hacettepe University Became a Member of the Organization of Turkish States Turkish Universities Association

Our university was accepted as a member of the union at the 7th General Assembly of the Organization of Turkish States (TDT) Turkish Universities Association (TÜRKÜNİB) held in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 20, 2024.
The general assembly held under the term presidency and hosting of Azerbaijan State University of Economics; High-level officials, university rectors and representatives of the member universities of the union from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Hungary attended.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran represented our university at the 7th General Assembly of the Turkish Universities Association (TÜRKÜNİB).
Our Rector, who spoke at the general assembly meeting where our university's application for membership to the Turkish Universities Association was discussed, said: Stating that our university is a brand in the international arena, that it welcomes international students from many countries of the world, and that our university is the common home and tent of our student brothers coming from the Turkish Republics, from their ancestral homelands, TÜRKÜNİB' He stated that he is willing to contribute to the future activities of the company at the highest level.
Our Rector would like to thank our esteemed YÖK President Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZVAR for his encouragement and support regarding TÜRKÜNİB membership, Secretary General of the Organization of Turkish States Ambassador Kubanıçbek ÖMÜRALİYEV, Deputy Secretary General Sadi JAFAROV, Term President of the Turkish Universities Association and Azerbaijan for their interest and support in the membership process. He completed his speech by expressing his thanks and gratitude to the Rector of the State University of Economics, Prof. Dr. Adalat MURADOV.