In memory of Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi

The book entitled “In memory of Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cıngi - Current Approaches and Developments in Financial Economics Theory [Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi'ye Armağan Kitabı- Mali İktisat Teorisinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar ve Gelişmeler], edited by İrem Didinmez of the Department of Public Finance, has recently come out from the publications of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.

This book, "Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi’ye Armağan Kitabı Mali İktisat Teorisinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar ve Gelişmeler" is presented in order to honor Prof. Dr. Selçuk CİNGİ who had been making an excellent effort for Hacettepe University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Finance. The main objective is to introduce him and the enormous value he has been attributing to science throughout his life to new-generation academics. During the book's publication process, which consists of twelve articles, the blind peer review process was performed, editing to ensure correctness and accuracy was completed, and the final shape was given in line with scientific publication ethics. The Rector of the Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. M. Cahit Güran, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. M. Umur Tosun, and the head of the Department of Public Finance Prof. Dr. A. Tarkan Çavuşoğlu have contributed to the book as well as many other academics who work in the same department at different universities. Works written by colleagues in the book cover theoretical and empirical researches in the field of economic development and growth, which was one of  Prof. Dr. Selçuk Cingi’s main research areas.

