2024 Türkiye Population and Health Survey Project was launched

The cooperation protocol regarding the 2024 Turkey Population and Health Survey Project was signed between the Presidential Strategy and Budget Directorate, TÜBİTAK, Hacettepe University and Marmara University at a ceremony held at the Strategy and Budget Directorate.

The 2024 Turkey Population and Health Survey Project, the 12th of which was launched, was initiated to determine the population structure, which is of critical importance in determining the steps to be taken in many areas.
Speaking at the ceremony, Head of Strategy and Budget İbrahim Şenel stated that the research reveals the change in birth, death and migration indicators over time, which cannot be obtained from any other data source, and the factors affecting this change, and guides the policies and strategies to be developed in these areas.

Şenel stated that the research will be carried out with the financial support of the Presidency within the scope of TÜBİTAK's "Public Institutions Research and Development Projects Support Program" (KAMAG) and made the following evaluation:
“Within the scope of the 2024 Türkiye Population and Health Survey, data will be collected by interviewing approximately 20 thousand households. With the research, we aim to contribute to the shaping of current and future demographic, social and maternal-child health-related policies and the development of new strategies by providing information about demographic phenomena in Turkey. "We aim to continue the flow of information about the Turkish population for variables that are not suitable for producing reliable information in life-related records, to ensure the continuity of demographic and health information required for the sustainable development strategy, and to produce indicators of sustainable development goals that are possible to calculate."

Şenel chaired this committee, Strategy and Budget Directorate; He shared the information that it will consist of representatives from the ministries of Family and Social Services, Health and National Education, Turkish Statistical Institute, TUBITAK, Directorate of Immigration Management, Turkish Health Institutes, Hacettepe University Population Studies Institute, Marmara University Population and Social Policies Application and Research Center.

At the ceremony, our university Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cahit Güran also made a speech and said that the results of the research will reveal policy priorities in this field and contribute to data-based planning and strategy development processes.

TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, on the other hand, touched upon the importance of artificial intelligence in this project and said, “Perhaps the research should be evaluated in a way that can take into account the migration events that may occur in the future, both in cross-border migration and in-country migration. While creating world scenarios, I think it would be beneficial to actively include artificial intelligence in this process. "I think it would be useful to prepare scenarios for the future, while making a transformation towards both the manual system and the digital system, in an environment where these professors will use their competence very valuablely," he said.