2023-2027 Strategic Plan Unit Action Plan presentations were held

Following the 2005-2008 Journey to Excellence Strategic Plan, 2007-2011 Strategic Plan, 2013-2017 Strategic Plan, 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, which were implemented by adopting an established strategic plan culture and tradition at our university, the 5th strategic plan, the 2023-2027 strategic plan, was also put into practice. This strategic plan was implemented in line with the views of our units by having our units prepare their own strategic plans, in addition to the views of other stakeholders, in order to increase stakeholder participation.

The strategic plan included short/medium and long-term goals, targets, sub-goals, actions covering the current period, their timing, prioritization, responsible persons and financial resources. Within the scope of Strategic Goals, 5 goals and a total of 20 goals under these goals were determined in the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.

Our University's Strategy Development Department shared the following information on the subject:
One of the most important elements of strategic plans is the monitoring and evaluation phase. Our university has received activities planned to be carried out by units expected to contribute to the goals and objectives of the strategic plan at the beginning of 2024. As of the end of 2024, all responsible units have received presentations on the realization status and criteria of the Unit Strategic Plan Action Plans.

Within the scope of monitoring and improving our university's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan; on Monday, February 17, 2025, in the Sıhhiye Campus R Hall, and on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, in the Beytepe Campus Doğramacı Building Senate Hall, action plan presentation meetings were held for two days with the participation of all academic and administrative units, coordinators and committees under the presidency of our Rector.

In the presentations held with broad participation, coordination and common working areas between units were discussed, contributing to the awareness of our university's units that meet on common ground.
In addition, the activities planned for 2025 were received from the units that are expected to contribute to the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan goals and objectives, taking into account the Strategic Plan realization status of these units in 2024.”